Street Drags don't count the reaction time, the 1/4 mile stopwatch starts when your front wheels move to when your front wheels cross the finish line. You could actually sit on the start line (with a green light) for 15sec if you wanted to (to let the other car disappear) and -then- go and it wouldn't ruin your time.
With staging... move slowly towards the little globes/lights on the tarmac (in the center and also the outside of the lane), as your front wheels break the line the first staging light will come on. Move forward a bit more and the 2nd staging light will appear and then hold it there. Once both cars have the top 2 staging lights appear the 3 ambers will light up. You can pretty much launch soon as the last amber lights up because by the time you react it will already be green. Don't stop until you have passed the big scoreboards at the other end too!
I stage first (before the other car) so that I can get myself settled (feet on the pedals comforfably, good vision of everything, helmet sitting ok etc). I then hold the revs at 3,000-3,500rpm steady, soon as the last amber lights up I just drop the clutch and it hooks in (my last ~6 60ft times have pretty much always been 2.1sec).
Of course you should. A 14sec (which is 99% what you will run) is still pretty damn quick for a street car! I personally dont think a street car is "really quick" until its doing 12.9sec or better but hell even a 14 flat is still 100mph.
hrmm just realised 2rismo basically said what I was gonna say.
Dont worry about:
* your times (just worry about getting to the finish line in 1 piece)
* the car beside you
* your gearbox
* doing a burnout
* your tyre pressure (unless you are aiming for 11's dont bother)
Have fun !
What car will you be driving? I'll be there (spectating) so i'll come say g'day.