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Everything posted by benm

  1. I've run my tank many many times to where the needle sits on the "middle" of the "E" which is approx 62-64L. The best was 622km to the middle of the "E" and when I filled up (might light had been on solid for a good 10km) I could only get 60L in it.
  2. Well done Adrian and Buster !! From a spectators point of view this venue is fantastic. The biggest gripe I have is that the seats in the grandstand are quite squashy (good luck getting past the person next to you). Although after looking at the prices for major events the grandstand seating is going to be the least of my worries. You can see the entire 1/4 mile from absolutely anywhere on the hill without even moving from your seat. Their are massive lights every 50m down on both sides and at 100% brightness its as clear as day meaning that photo opportunities are endless and video's are gonna be awesome. Two big digital screens at the end of the 1/4 give spectators instant info such as; reaction time, 60ft, 300ft, 400ft, TS, 1/4 Time and it flashes red and gree for the winner. The venue still has alot of construction going on but i'd say a good 98% of it is complete. Parking is abit of a hike from the starting line (about 1/4 mile past the end of the 1/4 mile) but getting in and out of the massive parking areas is very quick and efficient. Their is -heaps- of space for food trucks, merchanise stands etc and the pits area is quite large too (although their are no garages which im quite surprised, disappointed about). Give it a good 2 months after afew rounds of top fuel dragsters lay some rubber and I think you will see afew more of the NSW boys towards the top of my "SAU 1/4 Mile" list
  3. Website Updated: 22/01
  4. Was that the stock looking black GTiR ? If so... damn it was doing good 60ft's, certainly noticable from the Grandstand
  5. Nope Buster is using Nitto NT555R's as shown on my website (beginning of this thread). Last nites times were done on a 100% brand new track (first ever racing on it) so after afew months of Top Fuel Dragsters racing it will be covered in fresh rubber and you watch the NSW guys times drop
  6. (from memory) 11.7xx on his 1st run (128mph, 1.9x 60ft) 11.8xx on his 2nd run (nice and clean run) 12.1xx on his 3rd run (looked like he bogged down alittle in 1st gear) 2rismo did a unsure about the first 13.4xx on his 2nd run 13.5xx on his 3rd run That 11.7xx is quite easily going to be broken in the next month or 3 too. The 11.7xx was done with 0% rubber on the track so after afew Top Fuel dragster meetings grip will be quite abit better. The staging area looked quite slippery from the grandstand. Most cars were kicking sideways when launching. I'm sure Buster will have a new thread waiting for us in the morning.
  7. Recovery from WSID and sleeping for the EC Trackday + Dyno Day on Monday Huuuuuuuge weekend in Motorsport.
  8. Get there right on 8am to secure yourself a garage (get 1 sort of just behind the takeaway food truck) as its sort of away from everyone but not too far away. This will give you 30mins to remove any excess weight, check your tyre pressure, see if your helmet still fits etc etc.Driver Briefing is usually about 8:30am (right up at the end of pitlane behind the pits) and "Group A" is on the track smack on 9am.
  9. bahh soffffft. Hasn't rained out here at Penrith, alittle thunder tho ! WSID is still engaged, I'm still gonna go.. if it aint on it aint on.
  10. /me looks outside.... It's not as black as it was before but looks like it rained in the general direction of Eastern Creek about 30mins ago. I tried ringing WSID but its been engaged for the last 10mins.
  11. ...hopefully 1 at the beginning and 1 at the end so the Dyno doesn't break :headspin:
  12. I had a 2000 model Countach parked/idling in my driveway for a good 15mins about a year ago. It was 1 of my sisters friends just visiting her and it sounded like a small truck (which I just assumed it was). After peaking thru the blinds to see who it was I noticed 'what' it was. It sounded like a truck, was the size of a truck but boy it certainly took off faster than a truck when he left. The last time I spoke to him he was waiting on a 2003 model GT to arrive.
  13. The big question is..... which would you wanna ride first ? You could have the blonde bombshell who might runaway the next day or you could have the Lambo and pickup a chick like her everynight of the week :wassup:
  14. I too would most certainly agree with this. No point removing your standard airbox (and filter element) to change to a Pod because the Pod is just going to sit in your engine bay and suck in hot dirty air. The standard airbox has a fantastic snorkel on it designed to suck in clean cold air from outside of your engine bay. Simply remove the standard filter element and put in a K&N worth about $110. It will take you longer to pay for the filter at a shop than it will to change it and you get instant power. A good thread to read over is: http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/sh...read.php?t=9292
  15. I'll be there to spectate !! :flamed:
  16. I'd be confirming if its actually on first before changing your entire day.
  17. Interesting idea... But 2.5hrs for $75 could be alittle steep depending on how many cars attend. Night driving would be pretty exciting.
  18. If it's on i'll be there to spectate 110%. 0414335030, holla if u hear/see me !!
  19. I'll be out to watch either for the first half of the day and then to Buster's Dyno Day or i'll be out in ther 2nd half of the day to watch. Whichever it is i'll be driving past Eastern Creek atleast twice on the day so im deffinetly dropping in.
  20. My car will be back at the mechanics workshop all day Thursday to see if they can find the problem.
  21. bahh in 2012 the entire world will be Virtual Reality and I won't be going any further than my bedroom
  22. Thats an excellent site, thanks.
  23. ...and forgot about insuring any decent car again in your life...
  24. Well you have 5 points left so yes you could afford to lose afew more but in NSW it takes a full 3 years before you get your full amount of points back.
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