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Everything posted by benm

  1. I'm sure this has been said before too but whats the max size that will fit on an R33 GTS-t with the lip rolled up on the guards but without any other mods ?
  2. I smashed my previous fuel consumption record (552km from 63L = 11.4L per/100km). It now stands at 622km from 60L = 9.6L per/100km, I could have pushed it to up around 640km but I didn't want to risk it because I was about to turn onto the M2 and wasn't sure where the nearest servo would be off any of the exits hehe. I got the 622km just by driving from Penrith -> Canberra -> Penrith -> Seven Hills. I was using Shell Optimax with a standard airbox, standard airfilter, standard turbo, 7psi boost and it was pretty much about 550km of pure 110km/h highway driving (5th gear doing 110km/h @ 3,100rpm) and 72km of normal driving (happy laps around Canberra Summernats). and 1 extra passenger with luggage (around 160kg more than I normally carry). I'm pretty happy with that result because its still only the standard ECU so with a PowerFC and a good tune im sure it would go beyond 650km but I won't know until 2005 when I go to the Summernats again hehe.
  3. I got my old worn airbag wheel removed and replaced today with a perfect condition airbag wheel. Whats causing this is underneath the airbag (connected by a bracket with 2 phillips head screws to the actual "wheel" right at the top bit) their is a small metal weight (its about 10cm x 3cm) which is claimed to reduce vibration and you will find this has come loose (as had mine). To fix this you will first need to remove the airbag and then simply remove this weight or the entire bracket and your "clunk clunk" is fixed.
  4. Possible that you can find someone that does? I'd be interested in taking a look
  5. Ya know if everybody got the timing right im sure this guy could almost do a full lap of Australia's coast line in a Skyline
  6. Roy im with you. I think we must live in the wrong area, too many Skylines and too few (quality) women. Maybe we should cruise into the city 1 nite... haha
  7. Updated again 12/01/04. Added some and altered others.
  8. Predator I'd ask you to look at my knob and tell me what you think but you might get the wrong idea
  9. Yup met Adrian on the friday nite. I was walking up to the Maccas with 2 mates and seen this absolutely smick white R34, then after noticing the C/F bonnet I thought it was R34GTT-R's, just hadddd to say hello even if it wasn't his. I'd have to say the best (if not 1 of the best) R34 GTT's I have ever seen (picture or in person). It sounded so horny when he took off too, lucky their was so many people around otherwise their may have been a mess :whackit:
  10. I spotted "R34-GTT-R" at a set of lights outside the maccas in Braddon at Canberra on friday nite. My god that is 1 friggin hot R34 GTT. On my way back I overtook "MANIAC" (Wine red R33 GTR) on the Hume Hwy on the way back from the Summernats, who then asked me (whilst doing 11km/h) if I had a spare coil pack (probably destroyed his whilst ripping some wicked burnouts during the Summernats). I seen about 15 other skylines while in Canberra but they just had normal number plates that I can't remember
  11. That -was- available in the old 1 but I can't find it in this 1, wish I could though.
  12. I'm currently using about 5mm model aeroplane type wood to hold in my 1 and only gauge (so soft and thin infact that I used a sharp kitchen knife to cut out the hole haha). It was just a temporary thing because the previous bit of wood broke when I was playing around with the gauge but 6mths later and its still there. I might grab abit of MDF off-cut and do it proper sometime this week and also some leather or plastic like Jay has done Looks sweet Jay, very very neat and tidy.
  13. i'll be there 10-12pm tonight (although parking somewhere else nearby). If its anything like '03 (bumper-to-bumper traffic and a crowd of 3 deep on every side of the road) then i'll be parking nearby somewhere and walking
  14. Yup I have a db website sitting waiting, I just couldn't be bothered finishing it off. I use MS Excel anyhow, takes me longer to open/save the file than it does to enter the data
  15. $265 from memory. Do a search and you will find GT-spec15's thread
  16. Dave if your above comment was aimed at "2GU-UP" pm me mate
  17. Thanks Busty2k
  18. B-Man I have an unused Fiberglass UAS airbox if you want it ? The only thing wrong with it is im missing 1 of the screws for the side and it has a very light scratch across the top part of it. http://www.nismo.com.au/images/MVC-017F_5_small.JPG Make me an offer if you like...
  19. Hey look.... its Las Vegas on wheels !!!
  20. A close up of the bracket/mounting if possible please, I need to see if I have space
  21. $265 inclusive of all fitting hardware/hoses/clips etc http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/sh...ead.php?t=28832
  22. Where abouts is this located (exactly) ?
  23. Is an aftermarket ECU "required" in order to use aftermarket Injectors? (ie; 550cc's instead of the standard 340cc's). Or will the standard ECU just continue on its way and pump more fuel in "if possible" ?
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