Well for my car to start now I have to turn my ignition on for 5sec first, then pump the pedal as i turn to key otherwise it just sits and churns.
During that 5sec I can hear the pump switch on and then after 5sec it clicks off but thats only if I dont have my aircon on or my stereo on otherwise I cant hear it. The -only- time I can hear the pump is that first 5sec, cant hear it when sitting at lights etc etc.
The standard R33 GTS-t supports 300bhp which is ~180rwkw (by my calculations).
The Bosch 040 supports 520bhp which is ~310rwkw.
The Bosch 910 supports 450bhp which is ~268rwkw
If you plan to have 250rwkw sometime in the next 12-18mths i'd be getting a pump that does atleast 280rwkw, you don't want a pump thats working 100% all the time.