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Everything posted by benm

  1. I've got a FMIC with the piping useing the standard holes in the corner, nothing needed to be modded on the stock airbox to make it fit.
  2. ...and if you believe that your just as silly as he is. Read the rest of his thread and you will understand how twisted he is.
  3. Don't say that... my parents move out in 2wks and i'll be going from.. living ok with a mod here and there to living out of a sleeping bag in my car if im lucky. I severely need a decent payrise otherwise the gts-t is gooooone
  4. Any idea on how much the rear cost ?
  5. Well for my car to start now I have to turn my ignition on for 5sec first, then pump the pedal as i turn to key otherwise it just sits and churns. During that 5sec I can hear the pump switch on and then after 5sec it clicks off but thats only if I dont have my aircon on or my stereo on otherwise I cant hear it. The -only- time I can hear the pump is that first 5sec, cant hear it when sitting at lights etc etc. The standard R33 GTS-t supports 300bhp which is ~180rwkw (by my calculations). The Bosch 040 supports 520bhp which is ~310rwkw. The Bosch 910 supports 450bhp which is ~268rwkw If you plan to have 250rwkw sometime in the next 12-18mths i'd be getting a pump that does atleast 280rwkw, you don't want a pump thats working 100% all the time.
  6. I'd highly recommend the RB74 pads front www.racebrakes.com.au These pads are rated higher than the entire Bendix range and won't fade anytime soon compared to the Bendix range (well on a track that is). From memory they cost me ~$150 for a set of front and maybe $140 for a set of rear pads. Bendix will fade quicker and put more black shit on your wheels than you could imagine.
  7. I had my Bosch 040 mounted intank in the same bracket as the standard GTS-t fuel pump, cost me $340 fitted.
  8. Tell me about it, I've got 2.5yrs of Helpdesk Experience and i'm yet to even receive a payrise. Barely enuff to survive with a GTS-t and now this year I got $100 rent each week ontop of that. I'm either gonna be selling and buying a bomb or buying a cheap sleeping bag and sleeping in my car at the local park
  9. Well after a 10 day wait in delivery (damn postman having a xmas holiday grrr) I replaced my HKS Pod filter with the standard airbox and a standard panel filter (came with it). Wasn't difficult to do but damn I can't wait till the new Snap-On tool set arrives, it'll make like so much more easier. Ahhh sweet sounding RB25DET with no pod induction noises :) Under 3,500rpm it feels more responsive but over 3,500rpm i think its lacking power over the HKS Pod filter. I'm not in a great hurry to replace the standard panel filter with a K&N unless I can find 1 at the right price so i'll just see how fuel comsuption goes now with the standard paneil filter vs pod filter.
  10. Some more updates done today. BP Ultimate (98 RON) is deffinetly the most popular fuel with over 56% using it (of the people that have given me their full details).
  11. I'm not sure if that is true or not, it probably is. I replaced the standard R33 GTS-t pump afew months ago with a Bosch 040 and apart from noticing a difference immediately without touching anything else (smooth at higher boost) i have not had any problems. * GTST pump is 135 litres per hour and supports 300 bhp at standard pressure * Bosch 040 pump is 235 litres per hour and supports 520 bhp at 73.5 PSI
  12. If you have been working for 6mths or more fulltime than almost any bank these days will give you $25k without too much of a struggle. Then you only need to save another $15k and your home! Of course, I wouldn't recommend this but hey it will work if you -really- want to get a GTR (and pay $60k for it instead of $40k for it )
  13. Done some more updates. Looks like the fuel of choice is "BP Ultimate 98" and looks like 45 series 17" wheels are the most popular too.
  14. Interesting thread.... :wassup:
  15. argh... i meant as much in fuel as you did accommodation... :flamed:
  16. Damn you must have spent as much in fuel as you did in petrol?
  17. That is most likely the 1 thats forsale over opposite Penrith Gold Course. From memory it doesn't have a standard rear wing, more like a GT Wing. Mine hasn't moved at all today, im too frightened to even open it to let the heat out coz of how hot its been today.
  18. List has been updated today with alot of new information. Please take a look at it and if any of your information is missing please PM it to me. The initial thread opening message has been edited again. http://skylines.pnc.com.au
  19. No point buying a standard nissan pump. You can get a much more powerful 1 quite cheap these days... http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/sh...ead.php?t=29259
  20. A really easy "step-by-step" would be fantastic coz i'd like to take mine off to get a closer look at afew things.
  21. I'm not fussy, just a lady will do me ...any lady
  22. I think I read somewhere on this forum that a tray from 1 of the newer model Silvia's fits the DIN slot.
  23. any rear pads available ?
  24. A CAMs license maybe ?
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