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Everything posted by benm

  1. The webpage has now been updated (http://skylines.pnc.com.au). I'm still surprised by the lack of R32 and R33 GTR's. I added in afew more averages to show the difference between the different model Skylines. Obviously the amount of R33 GTS-T makes the biggest impact of this. Also if everyone currently on the list PM's 1 friend from this forum and lets them know about this thread then we could easily get another 30+ 1/4 times which will make it much more interesting and accurate
  2. The right Sergeants in charge of certain area's of the force (ie; reporting these matters to your local office isn't going to do anything but a letter to the correct seargeant up the chain will).
  3. What is this and where does it go ? (pics?)
  4. The more I read these types of threads the more I get confused :Oops: One good thing I have learnt though is that average rwkw is better than peak rwkw for drivability and better overall performance.
  5. So I can't just disconnect battery, remove standard nissan airbag steering wheel, replace with a different standard nissan airbag wheel (in much better condition) and plug the battery back in to find everything 100% ?
  6. hehe, more added (as I think of them). I should keep a small diary on me at all times, everytime im out with mum and she see's a police officer doing the wrong thing she goes mental and i spend the next 30mins asking every question under the sun haha.
  7. yes please butthead.
  8. damn all these stock rims for sale in Vic.
  9. Edge its bullshit. 10 days ago I was defected for having an exposed Pod filter. I was planning to change back to the standard airbox (with K&N filter) soon anyhow so didn't kick up a stink about it and just accepted the 'defect notice'. My defect notice said 'airbox must comply with standards' and he told me that it must be boxed. My only requirements were to have my airfilter 'comply with the standards', get it checked by a blue slip mechanic and my defect notice signed and then have the RTA signed the other part of the defect notice. No RTA inspection was required at all. So 2 days later (Monday) I visited my local Ultra Tune mechanic who is 'blue slip' certified to enquire about my defect notice. He looked at my current setup and said their is nothing wrong with it. As long as the AFM is in place and is the original Nissan part then it does not matter what is 'after' the AFM. So that means I should have been told to get EPA approval of my Pod filter setup not a defect notice to box the pod or change back to the original airbox. The Ultra Tune mechanic rang the RTA Defect section and was told flat out that "anything aftermarket on the car is defect-able and is illegal', that means 'anything'. Now my mum works in the police force so I got her to chase up the exact ruling and bring it home on paper or in a book because I was curious as to what the 'exact' word for word ruling is. Now she couldn't find anything so she got some other police officers to look into it for me (these aren't just regular behind the desk officers these are the guys that teach the entire NSW force to drive, what to do, etc etc, they are very high up in the ranks). Guess what.... no documentation could be found at all in the road and traffic law book (this thing is well over 1,100 pages of documentation, so many pages infact I couldn't even be bothered to read it) stating -anything- about Pod filters or air filters. They then tried to find any other books that might contain information about this and were unsuccessful. Their is no such book in existance (atleast at the NSW Police Training Facilities) of what police can and can't defect you for, on the other hand, "RTA" Inspectors im sure would have a book and -could- defect you but -not- Police Officers. Afew hours later I then had a Seargent (that my mum works with) call me on my mobile and say "If your Nissan AFM is inplace and untouched you have not done anything illegal, get your defect notice signed by Ultra Tune and then signed at the RTA, you are clear". Abuse of power? Most certainly ! Money making? Most certainly ! Oh while im in a typing mood afew more things that are true. * For a police officer to do a "speed check" they must drive behind you for a minimum of 200m with no cars between yourself and them. * If you are pulled over regarding this you can ask the Police Officer to check his tyre pressures with the "provided" tyre pressure gauge. Highway Patrol cars have their speedo's checked every 30 days and are very conscious of having the speedo's right. If he does not have this tyre pressure gauge with him (supplied when the speedo is checked) dob him in and you watch how red his arse is after copping a whipping from his Sergeant. If the tyre pressures say anything -but- 42psi then take the speeding fine to court and could technically be thrown out of court quicker than the police officer can wipe his own arse. If the tyre pressures are not on exactly 42psi then their is no way of prooving that his speedo was accurate when doing his 'speed check' behind you. * Their is no way that a police officer can do a "background" check on his car computer on you whilst driving behind you -unless- he calls it through the radio for the head office (or call centre thingo) to do the check for them. * Their is no such thing as being "black flagged", ie; if you get defected once, a cop can't just look on his computer and go "oh he's been pulled over X times lets be a bastard and get him again for something else". * A Hwy Patrol mounted radar can reach up to 600m in a forwards or sideways view but not behind you. * Every police officer -must- wear his/her Police hat when they are out of a vehicle, failure to do so can get very nasty if the right people are told. * All car doors must be locked whenever the car is in motion. If a police officer is found to have a door unlocked (once again by the right people) then his/her license can be removed on the spot and then they have to re-take the entire police driving training course. * In pursuit a police officer must "stop" at all inter-sections if it is a red light. Failure to do so will make "them" fully liable of "any" accident or damages caused at that intersection not "the police force". * Fog lights in use during the day on cop cars (and anyone for that matter) is an offence (unless in foggy areas). You may have noticed that when cop cars have their lights on that the foglights are also automatically on, naughty naughty.
  10. benm

    To do 2004

    Np, I lost that thread and couldn't find it for awhile, by then i'd missed too many months and just disregarded it. My 2004 List: * Get a set of track rims with semi-slicks or full slicks. * Fix front bar for better FMIC airflow.
  11. I think aiming for 200rwkw with the stock turbo is a great idea. By aiming for 200rwkw you really have to get everything running right and have -all- the bolt-on bits done. I think too many people go and buy $5k worth of bits and just throw them on without getting the full potential out of each individual part. I've seen and read about too many cars that have done -some- of the bolt-on bits and then done the easy thing of just bolting on a bigger turbo whilst still only getting 200-215rwkw. I'd be quite angry if that was my car, knowing that even after a $1500-2000 aftermarket turbo im not getting the full potential from just the simple cheaper bolt-on bits n pieces. Now the real challenge is getting 200rwkw from a stock ECU which im still pursuing (well I got it on 1 dyno but I want it on 3 different dyno's). An Exhaust Cam Gear and a S-AFC should get me there, then I know im deffinetly on the right track to getting a GCG Hiflow or HKS equivalent
  12. I thought that was when she divorces you and takes it all
  13. I agree, not only that but an aftermarket frontbar sprayed and fitted is around $650+ so its certainly not cheap. I want to get my front bar done also (when finances are available), also need my fmic re-aligned too. (just for reference)
  14. Yup i'd say its almost deffinetly your thurst bearing. I had exactly the same problem, i'd get a deep whirring sound. I took it to my local clutch/gearbox mechanic and it turned out to be a $15 part but with many $100's in labour to do it all. He showed me that my clutch was badly warn (while the gearbox was out) so for no extra labour charges I got a new clutch put in at the same time. If you have the extra money get the mechanic to installed a lightened flywheel while he has it all apart coz it won't cost you any extra in labour and will save you a good $200+ in labour if you wanted to put the flywheel in at a later date.
  15. * Replace Pod filter with a standard airbox with K&N panel filter. * Ex Cam Gear * FMIC * PowerFC * Up the boost to 12psi * Upgrade the fuel pump That will get you close The other easy way to do it is visit afew differeny dyno places. I got 203rwkw (30c weather) from 1 dyno place but then only 180rwkw on a different dyno (after the 203rwkw run) with the only difference being a fuel pump.
  16. Yahoo
  17. Did anyone notice (on the www.are.com.au page) the custom oil coolers designed for the R33 GTS-T in place of the grill? I wonder how badly that would effect the radiator cooling as by the time you put a fmic in the only real way that a radiator can be cooled is thru the grill. Looks guite snazzy anyhow...
  18. What lesson did that teach you ?
  19. Why do you "need" 300rwkw? Making the 300rwkw isn't difficult (it only takes money), but putting it to the ground is much more difficult. I hope you have included $5k into your budget for a set of wheels + fat tyres and also some decent suspension to support it all. Damn now your down to $6k which is enuff for the basic mods without even touching your Turbo and you still won't even have 200rwkw. Using my very limited knowledge I think it would take around $20k to turn a near-stock R33 GTS-T (~150rwkw) into a reliable 300rwkw car. Their is alot more to it then just throwing on a bigger turbo and aftermarket ECU if you want it to get you to work and back 5x a week.
  20. Maybe because the back wheels were spinning instead of putting the power to the ground
  21. How much did it cost to get these replaced and what difference if any did you notice after they had been replaced ?
  22. I went to my local SuperCheap today to try and find some bargains and all I found was 3 registers packed with a good 40 people in each line. I have never ever ever seen SuperCheap with that many people in the entire store let alone all lined up the registers waiting to pay. I wanted to get some black spray paint (normall $12) but their is no way I was standing in line for 25mins just to save $2.
  23. I'd suggest not getting the PowerFC or S-AFC until you have done all of the basic cheap mods; Full 3" exhaust, boost controller, air filter, ex cam gear, fmic. Then get your aftermarket computer and get a well known tuner to do all the tuning at once. This will save you money in the long run and also give you the best power output with the new mods. My other suggestion would be to grab a beer and spend an hour reading through the 2 threads below as they contain alot of good cheap ideas/mods to help make your car quick rather than quick but with a low response. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/sh...read.php?t=9292 http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/sh...read.php?t=9445
  24. I'd suggest www.wholesalesuspension.com.au I got my rear koni shocks put in at this place over 6mths ago and they had quite a large stock pile of everything suspension related. Around 2mths ago they moved just down the road and now have an even larger workshop. They are located on Coreen Avenue in Penrith.
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