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Everything posted by benm

  1. Just bring the echo
  2. Im just thinking that Munro could organise a groupbuy of his Money Tree's. I know they'd sell pretty well, I'll take 3.
  3. Well I got my Master Cylinder 'repair kit' done and it gave me -some- pressure back but I obviously still have issues with my Master Cylinder. So soon as rego n crap is over next week i'll be saving for a new Master Cylinder from Nissan Japan Think its going to cost something like ~$500 fitted.
  4. Who's organising the bbq? Mona seems to have piked it
  5. I'd rather just pay Victor Bray $5k hits to take me as a passenger up teh 1/4.
  6. My personal review and discussion can be found here
  7. A happy customer is a quiet customer.
  8. I emailed Greenline.jp this morning at 10:12am and got a nice reply by 10:20pm. They seem perfectly fine from me and will certainly be pocketing some of my cash soon as my money tree sprouts up.
  9. I thought Mac's were banned from the internet ?
  10. I agree with what your saying B-Man 100% but at the end of the day this is Microsoft 1 of the largest companies in the world.
  11. Yes I agree its unfair but nothing will be changed to fix the problem. When you pay for this product... then take it home.... remove it from the plastic... rip through the T&C's that state that no responsibility will be take for blah blah blah you have just laid the blame on yourself for anything that goes wrong.
  12. I tell ya what... it must be scary doing 90-95km/h with the back end out of control, I hate it when just doing like 20-30km/h hehe. Unless I drop the clutch from >1700rpm in 1st gear I can't break traction any other way (or gear). Can't wait to get rid of these 225's and throw on some 255's on the rear it'll be unreal.
  13. The patch was actually available quite abit before this worm made its appearance (I believe around 2 mths earlier). But then again how many people even know how to switch off their PC correctly let alone logon to WindowsUpdate.com
  14. The key to good fuel economy is no sudden accelleration. You can sit on 110km/h on a freeway all day and do the same fuel mileage as you would doing 60km/h up a busy road with heaps of lights. Im consistantly up around 420-450km from a full 60L's which isn't -too- bad I guess.
  15. Don't spose you have an R33 genuine Nissan Master Brake Cylinder (car with ABS) do you ?
  16. I'd like to try a MY00 WRX just for the 4wd ability. I like the look, sound and shape of WRX's and they are in my price range (which an R33 GTR is not). I think a decent powered v8 would scare the shit out of me with the instant power. I'd spend more time on the footpath then on the road haha.
  17. Not including any form of tax it is by far cheaper to buy from Nengun or Greenline.
  18. No. But thats Microsoft for you !
  19. Isn't everything Microsofts fault? But then again... where would we be without Microsoft these days? Can't live with them... can't live without them ! It's the same story with all these different virus types out in the last year or 2. We can't live with them but we need them to increase security in software and the internet. Most servers around the world use Cisco hardware (I wish my parents bought shares in Cisco for me when I was born) and they have sent around instructions on how to minimise the impact of the W32.SoBig virus and W32.Blaster virus by disabling ICMP packets and other various services. This almost immediately reduced alot of the abnormal usage. The rest now is up to the end user to protect themselves. You wouldn't believe how many calls I get along the lines of "I left my PC switched off for the last week while this virus is going around. My PC isn't protected but if I switch it back on now I should be protected right?" Errrr No!
  20. B-Man its just considered normal data usage as far as we are concerned. Infact it could be a -very- nice month for 'excess' usage (although the old guy with the new ADSL connection whom left KaZaa open and discovered 40gb of -excess- usage afew months back probably takes the cake) I sit and watch the MRTG graphs all day (shows data in/out from all routers etc) and it was literally flat-lined for all of thursday and friday. Then for the last 4 days its been back to normal with spikes now and then as customers connect and we identify them (before disabling their connection entirely). Probably created an extra oooh 300 Support calls for us in the last 7 days (keeping in mind that we are a small ISP).
  21. Measurements are: Front Left: 28.20mm Front Right: 28.98mm Rear Left: 17.67mm Rear Right: 16.50mm I believe they are good for 1 more machining but do not need to be machined yet (surface is very smooth). $200 for all 4 pickup
  22. Its a nightmare eh Tosh. On a thur/fri i normally do around 15-18 calls each day. Last thur/fri i did around 40ea day. I had steam coming out my ears haha. Not only that but some of our Wireless users became infected with it and it chewed through our pipe to the world and made things hell slow I nearly thought I was in a passenger in a Commonwhore for a second or 6.
  23. I believe your problem is this. Replace the current exhaust with a 3" Turbo-back system and you'll gain a good 8-10rwkw across the board with noticable power gains in the 2,500-4000rpm area by freeing up the turbo and allowing it to breathe. I created a thread here somewhere of a "before / after" dyno readouts when I got my standard front/dump/cat replaced with a 3" system. Ahhh here we go you can read up on it here
  24. I think he was looking for the :boobies2: icon
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