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Everything posted by benm

  1. Yup stock turbo is only good for 11-12psi, but if u set it to say 10psi then u shouldn't have any problems regardless of the day temperature.
  2. Unless you have an aftermarket Turbo + FMIC i'd be turning that down. From my memory 1 bar = ~14.5psi which for a stock R33 Turbo is way too high. Try setting it to about 10psi and 12psi if u have a cooler and not too hot a day.
  3. Yup i believe its an option for the S1 R33's ? I'd like mine to lightup but i dont like the factory way that its done.
  4. I have 3 baby magpies that love to fly between a window of a shop and the drivers window of my car. When its wet i end up with 5000x footprints all over the roof and down my back window. I got the local cop station to take some samples of the foot prints but they are yet to get back to me on which magpie it is. :bahaha:
  5. I'll actually be removing the drivers side door upholstery and the center console for him so basically all he has to do is re-solder about i dunno maybe 10 wires all up (to get my passenger door working again). He said the door would cost $30-80 depending on if it was just soldering or needed parts as well. If i can get the lot done for <$100 i'll be happy.
  6. I have a 2-Stage boost controller which has a little switch just near my steering column which i want to get re-located so its not as obvious but also so its easier to get to when i "need" it (you try leaning fully forward, moving your need, flicking a switch, making sure your knee doesnt flick it off all while "in the heat of the moment" hehe). You can see a pic here What I want to know is tomorrow i've got an Auto Electrician doing abit of work to my car and I wanted to see if he was able to re-locate the switch for me? (thats my 1st Q). The place i want it to be relocated to is the switch just below where my phone is in the above pic (I believe its for fog lights or something, whatever it does its not needed). Obviously I have no idea about this stuff as u can tell so yeah thats basically what im wanting to know if an auto electrician can do.
  7. I walked in and basically said "I want a -good- set of tyres for my skyline". Straight away he pointed at the Yokohama A539's in a 'clearance catalogue' and i immediately thought "argh just another salesperson trying to sell me what they have not what i want or need". I then gave him my little spool about reading up on the FM901's in the wheels magazine test done earlier in the year (which i then realised the A539's he was pointing at actually came 4th in the wheels mag test and the FM901's came 5th). He then said that the Michelin Preceda's or the Yoko A539's would be the best set of tyres i'd ever drive on. After getting the run down on the pricing of the 3 tyres i ended up getting the best tyre for the middle price range ($235 as opposed to $279 or $197).
  8. Depending on how strapped you are for cash i'd keep the stock turbo but sell the fuel pump.
  9. If i knew a place in Sydney that stocked Recaro's and had them on display i probably would have bought a recaro a long time ago. I was in my mates 100% stock WRX last saturday and the recaro's in that car are absolute brilliant. They hold u in like nothing else and u really get a more comfortable ride its unreal. What are Recaro's worth brand new? $1000 onwards?
  10. Spoke too soon... 12hrs later and its raining, although not enuff to really test the tyres out. In the wet they are quite good actually unless you try to drop the clutch where you can expect wheelspin. Corners and roads that i used to get easy wheelspin (in 1st 2nd and 3rd) i now have to -really- push it to try and get some wheelspin so im very pleased. With some constant rain (instead of just enuff to have ur wipers on the lowest setting) im sure these tyres would start some magic. Wet weather i'd rate these tyres about 8/10.
  11. What would my car look like stock?? Well apart from some minor suspension adjustments.... http://skylines.pnc.com.au/ben.html
  12. Well after washing my car on the weekend and realising that the inside of my back tyres was errr slick i thought it was about time i got rid of my 225/50/16 Faulken ZE502's (done atleast 30,000km) and get some fresh rubber. Reading over an article in a recent Wheels Magazine I had my eye on the Dunlop FM901's as many people had said they were a great all round tyre. The FM901 ended up only 5th out of 7 tyres but got good reviews, just scored low due to taking an extra 50cm to stop or an extra 0.2sec per/lap during the testing, none of which would matter or be noticable to me. The salesperson at my local Bob Jane T-Marts (thanks Paul) recommended either the 225/50/16 Yokohama A539 ($197/ea) or the 225/50/16 Michelin Preceda ($235/ea) instead of the 225/50/16 Dunlop FM901 ($279ea). He said the Yoko and Miche would be the best street tyres i'd ever drive on. So after thinking about the scores in the Wheels Magazine article i thought what the heck i'll get a cheaper tyre ($235/ea vs $279/ea) which actually is better performing (smart decision aye!). Fitting and balance etc took almost 1.5hrs and $1,012 later (Tyres, Nitrogen filled, balance, alignment) I was on my way home. Immediately (3km) I went to my little straight stretch of smooth tarmac (private road of course) and gave em a real test to see how well they gripped and if if if if they would get rid of my axle tramp (oh dear god i hate axle tramp like u wouldnt believe). First up i dropped the clutch @ 1500rpm and my god it just squatted and took off I was shocked. I was waited for the dreaded shutter from the axle tramp hehe. I pulled up again and dropped the clutch @ 3,000rpm. Alittle wheel spin (about 2m actually) and then it boosted and took off again, damn was I impressed. These things were launching 10x better than my 30,000km cheapo Faulkens. For my final 'phase 1' test i thought i'd launch in a guaranteed way to get axle tramp (with my old tyres)... Take off like u would from a normal set of lights in traffic to about 20km/h and then stomp it and hold on while the rear end shudders from axle tramp. I did this and whammo it just launched hard again, I thought "wtf ima try that again". So I tried it again and booya it launched again (about this time i nearly wet my pants realising that my axle tramp issues seemed to be gone). Phase 2 will be to try the launches again all @ 12psi (instead of 7psi) and Phase 3 will be Eastern Creek Dragway. Overall I'd rate these tyres a 9.8/10. They'd be a 10/10 if i had some wet roads to test them on but im sure with Sydney's weather that wet road is problably no more than about 3 days away.
  13. dan_the_man Yup thats exactly how they work, good stuff eh ! JimX I believe its 320-330c. I didn't really have time to pick and choose, thats what my brakes specialist had and i didnt have a brake pedal to get me around town to 'browse' so i used it. I was actually expecting like $120ish for good quality stuff so it worked out ok in the end.
  14. hehe i paid Bob Jane T-Marts $1.50ea to take away my old tyres today (Bought a brand new set of Michelin Preceda's and damn they are nice). I woulda kept them except well... a set of tyres is useless to me when they dont have rims, besides the tyres were just not built at all for any trackday use and my laptimes were showing it. I did a small finance ordit this arvo and im basically broke now for 3mths. So I can't see myself driving around a track until Xmas but by then it will be a whole new ball game. (Oil cooler, track tyres, etc).
  15. Mate drop into your local Brake specialist. They aren't anything special. The only difference between u getting them from your local mechanic and from justjap or somewhere else will be the price.
  16. My pineapples cost around $180 fitted and it was the best damn $180 i spent on my car (except the $66 DOT5.1 brake fluid which is a must for all Skyline owners).
  17. My thoughts exactly... My car doesn't pull up anywhere near as good as what another guys does and he is using the standard GTS-T brake kit and im using the DBA's. He just 'knows' how to use his brakes in a better fashion (yup their is alot more to it then just pushing your foot down). The standard Rotors are damn good for what they are worth. The only thing im not too sure about is how much heat they will generate on 5x 7 Lap sessions (I didn't make it that far coz i was using the standard fluid). Don't even bother attending a trackday without using brand new DOT5.1 brake fluid. I live basically about 5 streets away from the Eastern Creek track (with a 20km Motorway inbetween those streets) and after 3x 7 Lap sessions I cooked my DOT3 brake fluid and barely made it home alive (lucky i only had 4 sets of traffic lights to contend with, anymore and i woulda been using the handbrake to stop). So my conclusion of a first time trackday attendee would be: * DOT5.1 brand new brake fluid * Bendix Ultimate or better pads (depending on your bank balance) * Don't try and break any records on the first day * A nice helmet and a mate to have a day full of fun.
  18. Mine does this too. You will find that your car -always- smokes when its cold just on a normal 25c day u cant notice it as easily as u can on a 10c day. do a search on www.bom.gov.au to work out why.
  19. Its low and solid but it just doesn't feel like their is any massive 'bite' its just a constant low pedal braking. I can push the pedal probably an easy inch before anything at all, then another inch and i feel it starting to brake and maybe another inch and thats it... solid and firm! Certainly not what $1,000 worth of new braking gear should be giving me. I might drop in today while im getting new tyres fitted around the corner and talk to them about it coz i just don't feel 100% safe anymore (part of that was that my tyres were badly worn).
  20. Well in a magazine article from afew months back (think it was 'Wheels Magazine') they did some tests of 7 different tyres. Now as you may already know i've been looking at the Dunlop FM901's for quite some time now. The results were: 1st. Michelin Preceda 30/35 points 5th. Dunlop FM901 19/35 points Michelin = $235ea Dunlop = $275ea Yokohama A539 (4th) = $197ea So i thru my FM901 idea out the window and decided on the Michelins.
  21. Make sure your brake fluid is DOT5 or you will be pushing your car home.
  22. mmm thats the steering wheel i've had my eye on now for about 6mths. I believe they are around $400 with boss kit.
  23. I ordered a set of Michellin Preceda tyres today (225/50/16) for $235ea
  24. driftr i think if u look on megalas website.. do a search
  25. This is the part where JimX above got quoted $85ea for ?
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