I've been using Internode 512/128k (54k/s download, 13k/s upload) for 1 year now and its fantastic, wouldnt switch to anyone for anything.
No point with cable anymore unless your cable provider has unmetered goodies.
A typical page will fully load before my 512k connection even gets a chance to max out the connection (unless its got lots of images). Most pages only get up to around 30k/s by the time they are completely loaded so having a ~8mbit cable connection is kinda wasting things alittle (for general use).
Originally I was on the 4.5gb plan, a month later that was upgraded to the 8gb plan and about 4mths ago they released the new FlatRate plans (miles better then any "unlimited" plan).
1 thing no 1 has mentioned are the contention ratios.
General Dialup = 10:1 (10 user accounts per 1 user account of bandwidth).
Comindico Resellers = 30:1
Datafast = 30:1
Internode FlatRate = 8:1
So obviously the lower the contention ratio the higher chance you have of getting full speed 24/7.
Another thing you may want to look at are the additional services offered. Things like unmetered games servers, unmetered download mirrors, etc etc.
Still though my professional decision would be the 512/128k FlatRate plan for $99.95/mth.