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Everything posted by benm

  1. Just thought i'd mention a finding of some recent web browsing... www.greenline.jp have the PowerFC for 80,850 yen + H/C for 28,875 + shipping 5,500 yen = AU $1,528. Thats damn cheap if you ask me.
  2. FOR SALE: Malpassi Adjustable Fuel Regulator. * Bought second hand * Had it for 3 months * Never used it (changed my mind) * COD, Pickup available. hit me with your best shot....
  3. ahhh my mate Kevin Gavin (spoken to him afew times on Helpdesk - I work for PNC). Infact he did my clutch replacement about 3-4 months ago, top bloke and nice prices. I'll give him a call later this arvo and kick him in the bum.
  4. how long is delivery ? or are they still being ordered sorta thing ?
  5. benm

    Who Has ASDL

    I've been using Internode 512/128k (54k/s download, 13k/s upload) for 1 year now and its fantastic, wouldnt switch to anyone for anything. No point with cable anymore unless your cable provider has unmetered goodies. A typical page will fully load before my 512k connection even gets a chance to max out the connection (unless its got lots of images). Most pages only get up to around 30k/s by the time they are completely loaded so having a ~8mbit cable connection is kinda wasting things alittle (for general use). Originally I was on the 4.5gb plan, a month later that was upgraded to the 8gb plan and about 4mths ago they released the new FlatRate plans (miles better then any "unlimited" plan). 1 thing no 1 has mentioned are the contention ratios. General Dialup = 10:1 (10 user accounts per 1 user account of bandwidth). Comindico Resellers = 30:1 Datafast = 30:1 Internode FlatRate = 8:1 So obviously the lower the contention ratio the higher chance you have of getting full speed 24/7. Another thing you may want to look at are the additional services offered. Things like unmetered games servers, unmetered download mirrors, etc etc. Still though my professional decision would be the 512/128k FlatRate plan for $99.95/mth.
  6. driving to work today @ 50km/h was bad enuff although I would like some wet weather 'safe' experience. ooooooooooh
  7. and looking outside (and watching the tv forecast) its sposed to rain for the next 7 days so i doubt E.C will even be on
  8. so you wont be at E.C Drags tomorrow night Jeff ?
  9. maaate you know me better than that. The only hole that I find to be a goal will be the 1 up the inside of u at turn 1 at Wakefield in afew months...
  10. Is that with the stock Turbo ?
  11. Sounds like all you guys need a dose of Redline Gearbox Oil. Did my car wonders (wasn't in a bad state to begin with), now its as slippery as a bath tub full of soap.
  12. All girls can cook good enuff for me frankie but i must say a nice lady in a performance car gets me on the edge. Good thing their are quite afew nice mid-20 women in the penrith area in WRX's n stuff.
  13. /me sits on around 25gb/mth.
  14. ROFL :bahaha:
  15. Dremen what sort of mods do you currently have? No point getting a Hiflow if the rest of your components aren't up to it.
  16. My best is up around 550km and that included a 15min thrash up through the Pacific Hwy on the rev limiter the entire time.
  17. benm


    Belperformance (www.belperformance.com.au) Unique Autosports (www.nismo.com.au) Croydon Racing Development Hills Motorsport (www.hillsmotorsport.com) Edit: Each person on here will have their own liking (1 person will say 1 is shit while another says they are awesome). I have only dealt with UAS (online purchase) and they were fine.
  18. Ok guys im in, gonna hold off on my tyres for another month or 4 and get these rotors. Not entirely sure I need them but I do eventually want to attend regular track days and these will come in handy for then. R33 GTS-T Front + Rear please. Edit: the sooner these arrive the better, otherwise i'll end up with something else i don't need.
  19. their is currently a 2nd hand malpassi for sale in the classifiends section for ~$190
  20. clunk... there goes the neighbours cat ?
  21. Nah not scared off but I was like "woah didnt realise attending a trackday was so professional and involved. I like the idea of the competition thats what got me reading in the first place. No point going down the 1/4 mile or dyno days unless you are competing (even if its against your own pb) I think as the day gets closer alot more will decide to signup (even though its only 10-ish days away). As with any of the SAU events.... They either show up on the day unannouced or dont notify anyone that they wont be showing up. I am free and it would be an interesting day (even with the 5hr round-trip). Sounds like the SAU Drift Day held at Eastern Creek not long ago, after 30mins of watching I was edging to get out there myself. Its in great mechanical condition, I just wouldnt mind a lower seat (my head touches the roof now and then with just everyday driving let alone with a helmet on. I also wouldnt mind new tyres and upgraded rotors (all of which cost money). But on the other hand having a track day might kill my current tyres (a good thing) forcing me to buy a set of FM901's. * What is tyre wear like on a typical track day like this with just steady hard driving (not deliberately throwing it sideways or anything). * Brake wear for Wakefield? (Standard R33 Rotors and Bendix Pads). * Im guessing things like subwoofers and stuff must be removed ? Also anything loose in the cabin must be removed? (Would that include things in glovebox, center console etc?) incase of accident... would be a good warmup for the dyno day on the next day too :bahaha:
  22. Yup your list sounds spot on, if you got the extra few hundred grab a Fuel Regulator just so that your fuel system is kept alive. That should bump you up a good 25-30% extra rwkw
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