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Everything posted by benm

  1. Updates !!!
  2. Don't shoot me but isn't that just completely dumb? By the time you hit boost your already 1/2 track, then you finally hit it and spend the next 2 gears in wheelspin. /rove What tha?? /rove
  3. 2100rpm for me... :bahaha:
  4. Geeze im running 186rwkw @ 7psi and -never- even use high boost - 12psi, 203rwkw. I myself can't notice the difference and for my type of driving and roads that I drive on having the extra power just isn't needed, or will only get me into trouble. No point having 200+ rwkw if you can't put it to the ground, which I think is something that -alot- of people forget and also something that rev210 is making alot of the big powerful cars pee their pants with.
  5. Thats coz its your new toy and your still scared of it :bahaha:
  6. Whats wrong with GWH ? Its a good road, mostly 2 lanes, plenty of up n down and its only 1 road all the way to bathurst (easy to keep together, not get lost and minimal chance of causing accidents).
  7. Don't quote me but I believe it was: 13.1 13.3 12.4
  8. I'm with you B-Man, i'd rather just pay the price and have it all done properly on the day. Sure it may only take 5mins to install it but if your not gonna get it tuned for 1-2wks after installing it why not spend that 5mins installing it 5mins before you go to the tuners? What have you lost?
  9. benm


    I'd love to go, maybe on the Saturday coz the v8's are at Eastern Creek this weekend and i wanna go on Sunday.
  10. How much did it end up costing from nengun? I personally would probably leave out until you can get it tuned. No point driving around on an untuned aftermarket ECU when you have a perfectly good 1 already installed.
  11. jump in the passenger seat of an r33 or get someone to drive your r33 with u as the passenger and you will suddenly realise that they still have -alot- of kick left in them.
  12. ...and being an auto also helps :bahaha:
  13. On average about 400km. This involves a 10km roundtrip to work which has 14 sets of lights and probably 30km of freeway driving/week. My best is up around 535km (Cessnock Cruise afew weeks back) or so but i almost ran my lil biatch dry :bahaha: I always seem to fill up with around 57-62L I run my car on 7psi boost with 186rwkw and hit speed and rev limiters often
  14. what are the typical costs for the above specs above sydneykid ?
  15. just thought that i'd mention that SAU in Sydney organised a Skidpan Day about a month ago and it was an absolutely blast (and i was only a spectator). If you have the money spare then i'd deffinetly recommend giving it a go. heaps of pics at http://skylines.pnc.com.au
  16. I've read that just hiflowing the stock turbo gives nice results.
  17. benm


    hrmm maybe SAU could do a group buy on a fine QLD blondie and split the fee :bahaha:
  18. At the moment I've dyno'd my car at 203rwkw with basic mods: 1995 S1 70,500km Stock ECU Stock Turbo FMIC HKS Pod Filter 2 Stage boost controller Full 3" Exhaust with 3" Cat 7psi = 186rwkw 12psi = 203rwkw (leaning out at the top) I was quite suprised by these results because similar model cars with similar mods (some even with PoweFC's) were still doing around the 170-190 power mark on that day. http://skylines.pnc.com.au/dyno-203rwkw.jpg From here I plan on installing a Malpassi Fuel Regulator (have it already just a matter of fitting/tuning it) and then an Exhaust Cam Gear. Im hoping this will get me up to around 210rwkw figure. From their its onto a PowerFC and thats about it for power mods, the rest will be seats, bodykit, wheels and im done (so I hope).
  19. Those pics are damn nice Merli. $495 unpainted for the 400r Rear bar $450 unpainted for the 400r Side Skirts ..from UAS, damnnn expensive but damn nice !!
  20. /dumb question.. how often would you change spark plugs? I know mine have done 17,000km and the car absolutely purrrrs I have never checked them (never knew how to until recently) and the car puts out a nice amount of power for fairly basic mods (203rwkw). /end dumb question
  21. anyone got any pics of 400r rear bars?
  22. dumb question but how does it measure the distance ? If you sat their and ripped a burnout (tyres spinning faster than what your car could move) it would give you a 'really' quick 0-100m time wouldnt it ? /end dum question.
  23. benm


    I'll pay good money for you to bring a fine tanned blonde qld chick back to the office Knat !!
  24. They are all worth a watch. Even my mum started watching bits n pieces of them with me. I love in the 'Head to Head' video how he treats the Hyundai Elantra GLSI hahaha
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