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Everything posted by benm

  1. mmmmmmm Tammin Sur(suckmy)sok what a babe alittle thin around the edges but damn she'd be some sweet apple pie in the center !! http://www.tamminsursok.com.au/about.html
  2. Bump... Updates peoples Bump...
  3. nah man that doesn't look right. I think its the undertray dragging along or something ?
  4. benm

    Redline Oil

    from memory you need 3.6L and they come in either 1L or 4L bottles for around $25/L. Edit: Top notch sh1t, i couldn't live with out it.
  5. ..keeping in mind that blue = defect.
  6. Something i did find interesting on the day (that wasnt on the skidpan) was that in the afternoon when i was taking pics from the other end closer to the race track their was a race/praction session of guy riding motorbikes doubling a person on the back. I've never seen this before and found it quite suprising that they were still able to corner soooo quickly.
  7. I dont think adjusting any amount of screws will make your headlights brighter. I do wish though that i could get my damn headlights out so i can change the blue park lights i currently have. They get about 80% out before becoming wedged up against the side fender.
  8. Sounds to me like your brake pads are glazed. Go and get them lightly machined and all should be good again.
  9. Just rock up to the next cruise meeting and offer your exhaust, im sure afew of the boys will make you a member of the 'club' very quickly /end joke.
  10. gotta be happy with that ! Nice wheels
  11. Keep an eye on the /Events Section. Their is usally something happening every weekend.
  12. do a search for 'PowerFC'
  13. hrmmmmmm do i get my S1 M-Spec bar modified for my fmic + meshing or do i just buy a new better looking front bar... please do post pics
  14. mmmmm the smell of rubber :bahaha: So what are Dunlop Formula FM901s worth approximately ? I'll be up for some better rubber on the rear sometime in the next 3-4mths.
  15. Try this link then http://forums.overclockers.com.au/forumdis...p?s=&forumid=12
  16. Wow what a great day ! Totally different to what I was expecting and turned out to be a good experience (even when sitting on the sideline). Unfortunately the 127 pictures that i took weren't the best because i only have 3x Optical Zoom. They can be view at http://skylines.pnc.com.au (at the bottom).
  17. -DEFFINETLY- get your frontpipe done first. More info here: http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/sh...light=frontpipe
  18. Yup I have been to 2 UniGroup.com.au Dyno's in the last 5 months and they are great fun. Count me in.
  19. I agree 105%. Similar to the story of my small mods trying to max out my stock ECU + Turbo rather then just taking the easy step of whacking on a bigger turbo. Maximise what you currently have until you can't get anything more out of it, -then- start modding.
  20. I recently had new Koni Adjustable shocks put in the back and its dramatically improved things. The front is still -way- too stiff for my liking. I dont mind the firmness for cornering and stuff but small bumps and road surface changes is enuff to bloody give me a headache. Im not sure what my front shocks are but they are adjustable (im pretty sure its damper only). What exactly is damper (too lazy to look it up right now) and how hard/easy is it to adjust them at the front to try and soften it up alittle.
  21. what time does it start ? what time are people arriving ?
  22. actually check your email account mate. Remote host said: 554 delivery error: dd This user doesn't have a yahoo.com account ([email protected])
  23. I'll be there to watch. Where is the actual drift pan? Is it the new figure 8 surface they have recently built in the center near the tarmac carpark ? Im guessing spectator entry is from the back of the EC Track like on the EC Wednesday Drag nights? Im -very- keen to watch.
  24. I think a good guide would be that for every $1 you put into 'go-fast' bits put $0.50 into better tyres, suspension, setup etc. No point having 250rwkw if you cant put it all to the ground until you have reached 50% way down the 1/4 track.
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