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Everything posted by benm

  1. I'm also interested in doing a full bush replacement. I've not Nismo all through and get REALLY annoying knocking sounds (was actually thinking of how annoying it was on the way to work this morning) and i REALLY want to get it fixed. A full bush replacement sounds exactly like what needs to be done. I took my car to Pedders about 2 months ago and got them to thoroughly check it and they said "everyone was fine its just because you have adjustable suspension". I'm not quite happy about that so im always wanting to know where to go from here.
  2. Exactly why I plan on getting the CDROM. Copy n Paste is ur friend. :uh-huh:
  3. On PC around 10 years ago in the 386/486 days i spent about 3yrs of my life playing 'Street Rod' and 'Street Rod 2'. Mannn I love games where you have to build/upgrade/race (Career Mode style) games. I think thats why my latest collection is "Simcity 4" + "World Of Outlaws: Sprint Cars 2".
  4. I'm actually looking at going halves with my mum (Driving Instructor) to get a CDROM full of all the ADR information. I think its like $28 or something for a one off copy. Knowledge is the only way to beat the system, if you know it better then they do then you'll win everytime.
  5. Well im sure that would be different as its from an accident scene etc. In this situation it was his tilt tray truck and his performance car and he was just using it as transport. The law trully is f*cked up.
  6. Good idea although I was talking to my neighbour about this whole situation and his friend got done down at the Summernats for a similar thing. He took his road registered performance car to/from Summernats on the back of a tilt tray truck. The cops pulled him over and defected the performance car even though it was on the back of a truck. When he asked how this is possible the cop simply replied "Its road registered meaning it has to be legal, if it was un-registered I wouldn't be able to touch it!" Its like the Telstra monopoly. Whenever it is government owned your gonna get f@cked in the Arse !
  7. Correct it is private property which is exactly I thought, they can't do anything. Sure if you are driving on a road and they pull you over then so be it. Also so what if 1/2 the cars in penrith are sh1t boxes (rice, etc) the point im trying to get across are about these "raids" that the cops seem to be doing. Its kinda like spending a night at the movies with your car out at the carpark, then you return to find a yellow canary stuck to the windshield. It just isn't right !
  8. Sorry no pics but a before/after of my exhaust system http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/sh...&threadid=10567
  9. They'll never leave you alone unless you leave your car at home, sad but true
  10. Woah what a nite ! Was sitting peacefully eating my maccas down at panthers tonight and just as I finish and put my rubbish in the bin I notice 6 cop cars enter the car park. 3 Highway patrol and 3 undercover. Im like farrrk must be a big fight so I ran out to the carpark. Whaddaya know they boxed everyone in, all jumped out and pounced on every single driver with notices to drive to the local RTA. Oh every single driver except 2 females in VL's, 2 Toyota Landcruisers and 1 Tarago. (Carpark has a capacity of 60 spots). Even as new cars were driving into the carpark (unaware) they pulled them straight over, gave them the notice and sent them on their way. I even seen a Suzuki Swift been reversed out of the Drive-Thru lane with a notice off to the RTA, it was absolutely crazy. Right about now I was glad I parked over in the Panthers carpark rather then the Maccas carpark coz i'd be in the 3hr queue down at the local RTA now also. This whole police blitz thing is just absolutely crazy. A total of 20 officers all wasting time when they could have been chasing speeding drivers, attending breakins etc etc but they decide to interupt 100 people all harmless standing around talking and eating dinner grrr. An old neighbour of mine has just joined the local police force and she told my mum tonight (who forgot to tell me before I left home) that ALL cars that were sent to the RTA that receive a defect notice were actually having their cars taken away from them. I argued that it couldn't be done but I guess when a member of the local police force tells you then it must be pretty full on. :upurs:
  11. That article above is whats making me want to change my HKS to an A'Pexi (And get my box installed at the same time).
  12. barrr busy server crud
  13. The UN has found proof of weapons ... $1.10/L Australia's economy is going strong ... $0.95/L Bush is about to bomb the f$*k outta Iraq ... $1.17/L Oil price drops ... $0.89/L Benm is outta fuel ... $1.05/L The War is 50% of the problem, the other 50% is the australia government.
  14. 5 or 6" ? for the Rice effect im guessing ?
  15. Don't do what everyone else would do and go and spend the $7k all at once on big this and big that. You will end up with lots of small problems and different rated parts that won't suit being put together well. Mod 1 or 2 parts at a time, tune it, get the most out of it and then continue from their.
  16. The Silvia's didn't perform as well as I thought they would thats for sure.
  17. burn 'Holden Hill' while your at it and chuck up a Nissan flag.
  18. benm

    Redline Oil

    Odered my Shockproof today from CRD in Silverwater, Sydney. $25L @ 4L = $100 + $10 courier and it'll be in my hands tomorrow.
  19. I had a similar problem which drove me absolute nuts for about 2 weeks. After spending 1 afternoon playing around with it (Driver Side) I discovered that the wire harness that plugs into the black box (not sure what its called but its about 10cm x 15cm and 1 inch thick) had 3 loose wires. I took it to my local auto electrician and he wanted about $250+ to create a totally new harness with new wires. I went straight home, grabbed some electrical tape and a screw driver and had it fixed in 20mins. Worked perfectly since then. My only fault is I forgot to screw this black box thing back into the door frame so now everytime i open/close my door there is a slight rattle. Be buggered if im taking the door apart again anytime soon though.
  20. Any performance increases from having a pod in the UAS box coz its getting only cold air ? Or is it only a 'healthy' type mod ?
  21. I think he's making up an excuse coz he's jealous of your RB25DET doign 174
  22. Are you quoting my figures Steve ? Another question.... * How can you tell when you need a better fuel pump ? What are the tell tail signs ?
  23. Some newbie questions if I may... * How much rwhp (or rwkw) can the standard factory Fuel pumps handle ? * Obviously the more power the more fuel required and the stock pumps are only good to pump so much fuel ? Anything else worth knowing... ? * What is the typical cost and can anyone post some websites with info/products/prices ? thanks, Ben.
  24. You gotta pay the money to get the quality. Sure they are the same product but totally different installers. I think you'll find that xcuzme and friski's alarms took multiple hours to be installed for the 'added' security and of course... this all comes at a cost.
  25. benm

    Redline Oil

    Yup I rang CRD today and its $25/Litre and he said a GTS-T requires approx 3.5L for the Gearbox so ima order 4x 1L bottles tomorrow and get him to courier it to me.
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