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Everything posted by benm

  1. I had the rest of my exhaust fitted yesterday (as mentioned earlier in this thread). The difference is absolutely amazing. This Saturday my car is on the dyno and i'll post pics of before/after. Basically your kidding yourself if you think a cat-back exhaust is enuff.
  2. <- Confirmage
  3. man how did you get the box to fit over the HKS ? I've got the same filter with the same box and I literally cannot fit the pod filter inside the box coz it sits up too high. Not only that but right where the tubing for the air filter is sposed to go thru the box it has a square and last i checked a square wont fit thru a circle. Where you from maybe you could help me ?
  4. Yeah thanks ozzy for a newbie thats the type of info we want to see.
  5. No no no nooooo this Saturday the 15th is just fine. The price is awesome for the amount of games we will get in. 10-20 people would be quite easy to get, not like its hell expensive or anything. Besides how many confirmed do we have now ? about 15 ? first oran park cancelled now maybe this noooooooooooooo with ketchup ontop.
  6. I'm deffinetly going to be there although whether im in my R33 or my dads Vectra im unsure. (Obviously not dragging).
  7. bahhh Team Silvia trying to profit out of SAU... Oh well pay i shall !
  8. and for the people like me that didn't know where Bobbin Head was ...
  9. Of course you are going to kick my butt Brendan although for just having a FMIC, Pod, Full Exhaust, 12psi - Im thinking that 190-200rwkw is quite respectable. /prays that unigroup hasn't changed the dyno since the last run I did.
  10. I'm up for a BBQ. Preferrably somewhere decent. This is my "big weekend" and no1 is ruining it.
  11. Castrol Magnatec for like $26 (Only because I couldn't find anyone that would sell me Motul)
  12. I'm only going for the free snags.... no seriously.
  13. 1 thing i did forget to mention sweyn is to double check the deffect notice he gave you. If 1 single piece of information is wrong (ie the vin number or rego number yada yada) is wrong/incorrect, the whole document is invalid. (Same case with parking fines)
  14. I'm sorry but tell me an RTA that is open after 5pm let alone at 10pm at night on a thu/fri/sat ? You people gotta stand up to yourselves. Follow me to the RTA please... NO! (Take a fine there and then) Can I see under your bonnet....NO! (Drive to your local Police station where higher up officers can stand over and watch not just the 1-2 dodgy officers that pulled you over) When they try to defect you on something, ask them to prove it to you with the ADR or whateva book it is they carry. If they can't show it to you in writing that its illegal then laugh at them and call em BS artists. I think about the only thing I would let a cop do to me is, RBT, Exhaust Test, look at my license, ask me to step out of the car. Try using big words even if you have no idea what you are on about (me) to fool the cops.
  15. AFAIK im using a factory ECU and a factory Fuel Pump and my car drives dead smooth with 192rwkw @ 12psi. I dont think your problems are your fuel pump but then again i know about 3% about cars.
  16. and on that... http://www.rta.nsw.gov.au/registration/dow...loads/vsi15.pdf and the import pdf http://www.rta.nsw.gov.au/registration/dow...loads/vsi04.pdf
  17. Where do you take your car to get -everything- engineered so that I have a piece of paper to jam in the cops face ?
  18. This is deffinetly getting out of hand. Friday night I got pulled over at a RBT Unit at the entrance to my Estate. Lucky I had a car pull infront of me () otherwise i'd normally be doing 90 in a 50 zone. Anyway they pulled both of us over and proceeded to RBT the guy infront as i waited behind. When they started on me the officer looked over my license for ageeees and then 3mins later i was outta there. Gave it alittle squirt as I left them and noticed them both looking back at me. I think I -REALLY- need to get this airbox fitted to my car at any cost this Wednesday when I get the rest of my exhaust done.
  19. benm

    EC skid pan

    damn this would have been good fun to watch. Where is the new skid pan located.
  20. Hrmmm damn i need to get myself a bottle by Wednesday morning so i can get the exhaust place to replace it.
  21. How much oil is required for a full replacement of an R33 5sp Manual Gearbox ?
  22. I agree with you all. In my lowered, mag wheel'd, loud exhaust 1990 Pulsar I got RBT'd once in 2 years. In my Skyline I have been RBT'd about 3 times in 4.5mths and followed/tailgated twice by highway patrol cars and once by a regular cop car. I have my AirBox sitting in my room but it needs to be modified before it can be installed. I ordered this the day after hearing about everyone being defected in W'gong so as I would not be defected either. I'm also thinking about ordering the manual/cdrom that explains in detail every rule of the road and modifications (about $24 once off on CDROM). Their is only 1 way to beat the cops and thats to know your shit AND have it in writing. (In a legal format) I seen this tactic used when down at the summernats. The guys with the normal mods got defected, the guys with the normal mods but knew their shit got let off. Be smart about things and you'll be right.
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