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Everything posted by benm

  1. It's been on since 9pm however the streaming links are overloaded. If you constantly refresh you may get it working but i've given up and going to bed.
  2. Which is au$1.80 which is only about 10c/L more than here in Sydney.
  3. Ch10 coverage is from 10:45pm-12:40am Live coverage is from 10pm onwards (9pm is when the track walk starts). http://stream.ra1kkonen.com/simulcastPlayer_02.swf http://www.mad-max.runhost.net/f1player.html http://www.mad-max.runhost.net/simulcastPlayer_02.swf
  4. 10yrs ago Crude oil was $14/barrel 5yrs ago Crude oil was $31/barrel 2yrs ago Crude oil was $51/barrel 1yr ago Crude oil was $63/barrel Today Crude oil is $132/barrel And you wonder why you are getting annoyed that the pump price is going up so quickly, the cost of the product has more than doubled in the last 1yr yet the retail price has gone up by only 50% - think yourself lucky.
  5. For the price that's probably the best so far, I like the little lever at the back. My neighbour has 1 from SuperCheap that was under $200 and despite it being a cheap brand and bloody heavy it does work well without issues.
  6. You need atleast 1.5MBit for it to stream.
  7. From memory you did a 1.50 and a 1.52 before you came to a rest. First flying lap of the BSM gtr was a 1.42
  8. For spectators at EC on the weekend, Saturday is free and Sunday is $15.
  9. On Thursday nights at 8:30pm on channel TVS (free to air, just scan for it) they have a 30min show that follows an aussie team at the 'Ring involving 3 cars (2 mirages and an ex v8sc). Despite the low budget production (c'mon its a western sydney station) it's actually quite fun to watch.
  10. www.revolutionracegear.com.au sell a number of devices, not sure of prices though.
  11. Mark on your Motec logs does it show the distance you traveled from start to finish or only wheel speed?
  12. The only person missing is Monique!
  13. Oh I waited, you were too busy wiping up ur mess! You should have seen Marks reaction at the top end, I yelled out 8.07 out my van window and he jumped into the air. On the way up it was "yessss" on the way down it was "arghh noooo" so close yet so far from a 7. Then their was some hoon in a datto 1600 pull up trying to pick him up like it was Kings Cross on a friday night!
  14. Of course! Must have had atleast a dozen people pull me up on the stickers by midday today...
  15. Interesting, first time i've seen that on a Skyline.
  16. I've carried many types of boxes in the back of that van Was a great day, my van smelt like methanol the whole way to work - perfect way to wakeup at 4am this morning.
  17. Since when do Nissan give warranty to R35's in Oz?
  18. So what happens when they make some more adjustments to the tuning and on a good warm day it runs a 10.9sec and they are forced to put a cage in it, will they? Because it can't be more than a month away before it does run a 10sec pass but I can't see them wanting to strip out a perfect good R35 just to run another 10sec pass.
  19. Marks runs were: 10.6 8.1 w/ 1.32sec 60ft 10.7 w/ 1.23 60ft 8.07 @ 171mph w/ 1.25sec 60ft Had the track have been 10c warmer and the surface prep been better the car would have run a comfortable 7.9 possibly even a high 7.8sec pass. Videos were taken, im sure they will be posted sometime tomorrow.
  20. Can't believe I missed this event, looks like so much fun. A couple of questions Duncan: How many laps was each race? How long between each race? What time did it start/finish? I'll head out for the EC round.
  21. Paul I picked up a set of wheels + Drag radials today from CRD that you may be interested in.....
  22. Just some questions... What are some decent brands on the cheaper end of the market? What CFM is required for the common air tools? Belt driven or direct drive and why?
  23. That is true, provided it is a model that people have an interest for in 25yrs because it was a limited edition model such as an R32 GTR V-Spec II, R32 GTR N1, Aussie delivered R32 GTR or even an R34 GTR NUR but at the end of the day you have a mint condition R33 GTS-T. Sell it, buy a clean R33 GTR and drive the thing instead of looking at it!
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