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Everything posted by benm

  1. Just cut the front radiator support off to make more room
  2. I wouldn't worry too much, the weather would need to change quite a bit for the drags to be on next Wednesday.
  3. aint no lancer gonna win!
  4. Light rain here in Penrith. The problem is that the past few days its been showers of rain on and off all day. No point them spending an hour preparing the track surface only to have a shower of rain straight after.
  5. rofl it's not Friday yet.
  6. Normally i'd say "im already there" but unfortunately it will be cancelled due to bad weather so I wont be there!
  7. I'm in on this offical cruise.
  8. But I will know they aren't painted !!!!
  9. ARe you going to get the manifolds sprayed?
  10. Might work for a week, a month or even 6mths but at the end of the day it's easier to just pay the money and never have to worry about the problem again.
  11. I wouldn't even bother trying to remove the engine from that mess, grab an angle grinder and cut her right at the firewall and trash the engine bay.
  12. It's bullshit. I've watched the accident numerous times and Hamilton got a run on Alonso out of turn 1, Alonso took the inside line into turn 2 to cover where as Hamilton kept out wide keeping a higher speed and then simply had too much speed on the exit of 3 (before they were even driving in a straight line). If Hamilton's wing was damaged/broken he would have run wide on that corner due to lack of downforce and hit Alonso's left rear not tried to go up the inside of him (right side).
  13. Wow lots of British haters in this thread. Hamilton is the best thing that has happened to F1 since Schumacher and the sport badly needed him. Now that we have him (and know that he could very well be the next Schumacher) everybody just wants to bag him out. He has obtained more championship points in his first season of F1 than Webber and Button have in their entire F1 career but yet he still isn't good enough. As for the ITV commentating, have any of you actually watched the SpeedTV coverage of a race, it's absolute dribble (although still not anywhere near the crap that Ch10 is). Rather than bagging out the ITV crew for their in-race comments, try watching the entire Saturday + Sunday coverage (it's about 5hrs worth) and you will appreciate how good they are at their jobs. I believe Alonso did play a big part in the accident and i'll believe the 'data' when I see it. As the ITV crew said - their isn't a big enough hp gap between the top level cars for Hamilton to just run up the back of Alonso as simply as he did. Alonso wasn't sideways on corner exit and it's not like Hamilton got a massive run on that corner so for him to close in so quickly is quite unusual (I could understand it if the accident occured in a braking zone). Well done to Webber to have another faultless race and get some points. Pity that DC can't keep his head out of trouble because the RBR + Toyota + Honda + Williams pack are certainly providing some interesting racing.
  14. Whats the point in only making a partition when the police will still defect you, may as well put in a bit more effort and make an enclosed lid for it. Steve it doesn't appear you have attached your partition to anything, im guessing it's just held in place gently by the intake pipes?
  15. Create a cardboard template to size, then take it to your local metal work fabricator and just get them to cut it out of some 2mm aluminium. It shouldn't cost you more than $50 all up.
  16. I have a whine in my 89 gtr box in first and second gear, i've owned the car for 10mths and the noise has been there all along and hasn't changed at all. The box was rebuilt ($2800) by the previous owner only about 6mths before I bought it. My local clutch mechanic said the box isn't in trouble it's just a bearing noise and to not worry about it for now unless I want to throw money away.
  17. Oh forgot, this weeks live streaming link: http://mad-max.coolpage.biz/f1player.html
  18. Even whilst knowing about the dry ice idea I still instead spent a month of weekends scraping it out with a hammer n chisel Only cut my hands about 5x when sanding it down.
  19. Along the cruise their is 98 sold at West-bound: Eastern Creek Caltex Glenbrook Caltex City-bound: Blaxland Mobil Valley Heights BP However it's only a 200km round trip from Eastern Creek twin servo's to Megalong Valley and back so if you need to fill up during the trip your best off visiting a mechanic instead. Edit: I hope someone notified the Tea Rooms of all these cars attending as I mentioned earlier in the thread.
  20. If the hose is really hard to get off, lever a tiny bit up with a screwdriver and spray some wd40 in there and leave it for a couple of minutes. That should lubricate it enough to slide the hose off easier.
  21. Well actually, if you look at that google map image I posted you can see my ugly head in the pit garage area.....
  22. I won't have my circuit car ready in time but will certainly be there to watch everyone else. Here is a better view for people that don't know the circuit:
  23. Do a search for suspension threads containing comments by 'SydneyKid' - then look for his suspension packages.
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