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Everything posted by benm

  1. Spend the extra and get a set of exhaust manifolds and dump pipes to suit whilst you are at it.
  2. Well yes that's what i'd normally do but the Hume Hwy is the worst place to speed. All the police cadets training in Goulborn along with all the cadets/officers travelling to/from Sydney for work along the Hwy isn't a good idea...
  3. I had my gps set to warn me when exceeding 110km/h, every 30sec it was "ding ding ding ding" it's just an akward spot 110 so I ended up doing about 100-105 the whole way whilst watching other cars and trucks fly past like I was still.
  4. No traction control is certainly going to mix the field I think. Finally we get to see who are drivers and who just rely on electronics to drive the car for them.
  5. As mentioned earlier if your rb26 block is fine then stick with it and just throw in forged internals. Too much of a headache getting a 26/30 working in a fast manner.
  6. I tend to agree, a 3L with a gt34r running over 30psi and only making 360ish rwkw? Are you sure all 6 cylinders are firing?
  7. As always it was aaaaabsolutely stinking hot, I found a big radiator fan (like top fuel teams use) in the PWR/Castrol display stand and sat infront of that for an hour thats how hot it was. They need to have a couple of big pavillions of just chairs and tables and fans/water cooling etc. Security were allowing cars to do more/bigger burnouts than the past couple of years. I didn't see 1 car get kicked out or sidelined like I did every 15mins last year. A red R34 GTT did a killer burnout at the corner and plenty of other cars were cooking rubber all around the cruise route. As usual plenty of local slags showing their chest bumps, seen maybe 2 sets of good tits the rest I wouldnt even piss on. I still don't understand why their are so few trade stalls, you get the regular big 1's in the pavillions but with an event so big with spectators and entrants from all over Australia it shouldn't be hard to get 50 trade stalls. Well done to the Army for flying a helicopter back n forth over the event at low altitude all afternoon kicking up all the dust and rubbish over people and cars, love your work.
  8. I travelled down last night and just got back now, seen a total of 3 hwy patrol and 1 undercover and 600km. NSW police are pathetic, even in the town where all NSW police are trained where you would think they would be out in droves, their was only 1 hwy patrol on the side using radar.
  9. It took me approx 5hrs to do the top and sides and half the front. Considering I have no idea what most of the parts are and I had to go and buy some tools to get afew bolts undone I was happy with the effort (and saved money at the same time).
  10. You will need to completely strip it anyway to get it cleaned, checked and bored. My advice is get a couple of cardboard boxes and put the head stuff in 1, exhaust in 1, intake in 1 and front stuff in another box.
  11. If the car on the trailer is registered then they can defect it because you have the intent on driving it on the road (otherwise it wouldn't be registered would it). In the last 3-4yrs i've been going to the Nats it was only the first time that i was pulled over and that was at an RBT station where they did a db reading on my exhaust which I obviously passed. After that I drove my van for the last 2-3yrs and havent had an issue or seen any issues. The only thing they could get me for on my current gtr is pod filters, hrmm need to find a standard box.
  12. I'll be there all day Saturday until the 'entertainment' stops *shudder*
  13. From what I have been told by a reliable source that plays in hwy patrol cars all day is that the dvd's are free. I also believe that all hwy patrol officers are wired up with a mic so it would record whatever they say along with the camera pointing out the front and rear windows at you.
  14. S&R Pro is your friend
  15. If a couple of men in black suits knock on your front door, run out the back door quickly !!
  16. I highly doubt an officer would give you permission to record. Did you know that when a highway patrol car turns its lights/sirens on an onboard computer automatically records video, sound and vehicle data (speed, braking etc), it also grabs the previous 30sec before the lights were switched on. So next time you get pulled over for an RBT or let off on a ticket go to that officers police office the following day and request the dvd and watch it back to see what really happened.
  17. Now we are talking... Whats it got in it and whats the total weight?
  18. If you need something in <3 days bend over and buy it local. If you can hold out 4-7 days then buy online and save some pennys.
  19. My cluster gauge didnt work for a year and I didnt have any problems with the powerfc.
  20. The filters wont be the cause, drive around the block without your filters and see how little difference it makes....
  21. Long as he doesnt rub his ass cheeks against mine or scare away the women....
  22. Here is a closeup of the sensor (left)
  23. I had the same problem and it turned out my sensor was faulty. We determined this by earthing the wire out as said above and the cluster needle shot up. Soon as I pulled out the sensor from my other car and put it in this engine the cluster worked immediately.
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