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Everything posted by benm

  1. Don't count on it finishing at 10pm, get down there as early as you can. WSID has a habit of finishing nights early if only a few competitors turn up (take wicked wednesday 2wks ago as an indication). They want 300 cars doing 2 runs each all paying money instead of 50 cars doing 25 runs each having a good time.
  2. benm


    What would stock rb30 rods be happy at?
  3. Yes true however when you go from an event like at Eastern Creek with a few thousand people, trade displays, car show, stunt riders etc to a dirt paddock at Oran Park Driftland it's quite disappointing from a spectators point of view.
  4. Take out Mackie, Easton and Weissel and it was a typical fri nite event.
  5. I noticed that too Baron, very cheap labour.... groupbuy on engine rebuilds?
  6. If their was no commentator I would have thought that was only a practice round.
  7. I planned on doing the dry ice method but somehow ended up using the old hammer n chisel + turps to tidy it up. Took me about 3hrs to chisel out the entire boot then splash some turps over it and leave it for 10mins then brush over it with a toothbrush and wipe off with a towel and this is the result:
  8. Parts still available.
  9. Im hoping to get out there on Sunday.
  10. woooo i'll be there !
  11. Where are you getting the lexan windows from and approx how much each?
  12. The rally rego is appealing to me because i already have 2 road registered vehicles so the circuit car wont even get used except at the track - paying over $800/yr for this is abit excessive.
  13. Any details on the rally rego, I can't seem to find anything?
  14. Didn't look too hard, mine was hiding near the dummy grid whilst I watched a couple of races whilst the skidpan group were on lunch
  15. Whats the timetable of each day?
  16. Yup gone soft in your old age it seems....
  17. You go to all that effort yet leave the standard turbo on it, pfft !!
  18. Doesn't need to be street registered, hell at most events these days they barely even pop your bonnet to check anything. If it has 4 wheels a drivers seat and a steering wheel your pretty much right to race.
  19. more like the mrs is sleeping on the couch and parts are inbed with him!
  20. The rain made it interesting.... thats what happened!
  21. Maybe first off you would get the engine removed, stripped down to see what needs replacing and then get a quote from there...
  22. pocket change compared to the rest of the rebuild cost.
  23. Shaun lets swap it with mine and see how long it takes him to notice...
  24. 52.5wks of inactivity with the white gtr but my grey gtr has been fine since I bought it in June so im all good for now.
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