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Everything posted by benm

  1. Replace the grill with the typical holden grill and its a series 2 VE HSV.
  2. benm

    Wsid 11/7

    Which is yours Croat, the black 33 with r34 gtr front rims?
  3. Was getting my work van serviced today and noticed he had some custom made undertrays sitting up against the wall. Found out that my other mechanic next door makes them himself for both of their datsun rally cars to prevent rocks flying up and going through the floor pan, they are very light but strong enough to last 4yrs without any holes. He makes them out of a woven fiberglass material here are some pics:
  4. benm

    Wsid 11/7

    I've missed more wicked wednesdays in the last 2mths due to bad weather than I have in the last 4yrs.
  5. benm

    Wsid 11/7

    Fairly good nite, some nice cars and amongst other things. Well done on the new PB Brendan.
  6. If its a daily driver or registered car its easier to just turn the boost up 5psi. If it's a circuit/drift car then break out the grinder!
  7. Plenty more v8 powered cars this time round, I can see more and more v8's joining in this sport as the preferred choice of engine.
  8. Yup i'll be there on Sunday
  9. ....and some of you say Mark Webber doesn't know how to pass! Atleast if MW attempts a pass he either succeeds or takes them both out.
  10. Can we do it again next weekend?
  11. Hornsby Nissan have been great for me, my local Nissan Dealer takes 10mins just work out what car im talking about.
  12. Got any better pics of your rims?
  13. Aww look its final resting place! I wish half my car went flying out thru the back of my exhaust, would have saved me alot of cash. Speaking of exhausts I picked mine up last friday after getting it repaired from the damage on that night. My rear dump + 021 sensor and entire frontpipe were damaged, now its all nice again. Here is where it's currently at:
  14. I'd have to agree, as much as it was a pain in the ass im sure the local businesses enjoyed the additional income (especially the cafe at the beach).
  15. Can you please list all parts that are included for $700.
  16. Looks alright to me, I had a maltech fitted a year ago and had the metal line removed too and it made a massive difference to the feel of the clutch (way more consistent and solid).
  17. I love it when Alonso doesn't get his own way.... I was waiting for him to do a flyby the pits like he did last race.
  18. Thanks for a great day. I've decided its time to post up some constructive criticism for the benefit of the staff that ran todays event for ideas on future events whilst risking getting my cars keyed Location: It was a great place to get the general public to stop and look at our cars, maccas and hj nearby were also very convenient, I did miss the lengthy cruise back like previously at Mingara. I didn't agree with the physical layout of cars + staff etc. Having the staff in a more central location with cars around the outside would have been ideal. I'd say 85% of people congregated up the front where the least cars were with the other 15% spread around the rest of the area. Also the staff area prevents the general public driving past from seeing the cars on display, all they seen were tents and a bbq. Music: Eww yuck grrr! Am I getting too old or was the music about 10x too loud? Were we holding a disco or a car display? I honestly couldn't talk to anyone properly within 50m of the speakers so didn't even bother looking at the cars right up the front let alone have conversations with people and absolutely nobody I talked to today (general public, sponsors, staff, entrants) mentioned any good words about the music (sorry Mr DJ). I also noticed that some of the music contained swearing, is that a good idea when we had parents with little kiddies wandering around looking at our cars, not to mention having a set of traffic lights behind us meant that every man and their dog had to put up with our noise! A simple random FM radio station (2dayfm, nova, edge) would have been quite sufficient I think (or maybe next year we could get them to come out and broadcast live which would certainly get more public attending). Car Displays: My only thought on that was that it would have been nice if the different models were grouped together abit better. Sure some people wanted to park to their mates but it would have been nice to get pictures of a line of 33 gtr's together or r31's, im sure everyone liked having a couple of different stagea's beside each other to compare and take photo's of. Staff/Judges: Who were they and where were they? When did my car get judged and by whom? A couple of cheap hi-vis safety vests would have been nice as it was hard to tell the difference between organisers and just sau-members with sau jackets. Prizes/Winners: Good work Abo on presenting the prizes to all winners, would have been nice if they could have stayed up the front for some group photo's at the end, im sure all the sponsors would have liked pictures of that for their workshops. Guys with little dicks: I'm talking about the retards whom decided to do a motokhana on the way out of the park. I don't think i've met or seen any of them before and probably won't again which probably explains why they decided to be stupid because they aren't used to our general rules. The only way to stop it would be to have a HWP car sitting at the exit gate and bust them as they do it. I'm sure I have more to add but i'll leave it at that for now. It was a great day out (especially with my new car) thanks heaps to all the organisers and I look forward to next years event.
  19. The figures will vary depending on peoples individual experiences. ie 1 person will say their fuel pump died at 220kw where as others will say they need to replace it at 250kw.
  20. Maltech will beable to make ADR approved lines for you, very good quality: www.maltech.com.au
  21. After me so that I don't miss out on the bbq! (or about 8am)
  22. U sure the box actually had oil in it? I've never seen that much before!
  23. You can get a nicely modified gtr these days in the high 20's, then just keep the extra $5k for changeover, insurance and anything minor that needs doing. Sure buying a stockish gtr and pumping $15k into it might be alot of fun but its definitely the most expensive way of going about it.
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