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Everything posted by foznice

  1. pretty cool, I've always wanted something along these lines, although though I'm not really the effects junky....... free bump??
  2. holy crap, first white chrsitmas ever.. (for me at least) merry christmas everyone!
  3. hahahah what a dog act.. very cool little stunt though. I used to do it all the time in Gran Turismo.
  4. whats it about...?
  5. either basti or Ommuru needs to change the avatar! it's confusing me!!
  6. happy birthday!!
  7. Tharaka and I saw him last night when we were going to the general meeting.. Didn't really seem that big, but we didn't pay huge amounts of notice to him either... I'm trying to remember which movie it was from now James.... Swordfish??
  8. foznice

    Deca Promo

    love your new avatar age can you make me one?
  9. where is Broadford?
  10. Chevelle Body Works, in South Dande. You can see my car in the background of the fourth pic. Car with the bonnet up and the P-Plate on the windscreen.
  11. If you don't care for it, then just rip it out as well as the compressor.. might as well save some weight. Dosn't really seem worth the extra dollars to make a smaller one, when your AC is only going to be less efficient.
  12. foznice

    Deca Promo

    thats freaking awesome.. Look like sam got elected to represent the black 32 club!!
  13. the difference is exactly what BHDave said. The piston size and pad are exactly the same. The GTR caliper allows you to run larger rotors.
  14. for future reference... how did this go ergonomically? My back is really f**ked, and it gets a helluvalot worse when I sit in my stock 32gtst seats....
  15. what about the LMGT4 in the pic? Does it have friends? Is that for sale?
  16. have the injectors been cleaned and or flow tested? Cheers.
  17. really? you must have got the stainless one then? I remember rrrage got the full mild system for $700
  18. wow, looks like team december is huge. Will have to pike, I'm working (as per usual)
  19. as above, 16kg's.
  20. jeez where'd you get yours from?
  21. already done don't forget you got a hiflow-cat and front/dump with that too
  22. yep, and you would know how much I paid for it. f**king bullshit. Very very pissed off. Unfortunatly I didn't know what titanium looked like back then, I just took his word for it..........
  23. Hi everyone, just bought an exhaust. I paid for it thinking that it was 4" in diametre, and titanium (as described by seller). It turns out though that it's only 3.5" and now I'm strating to wonder if it is actually titanium as well. So, does anyone have photos of titanium exhausts? Or could you descripe it's apprearance?? As you can see from the pics, this one is shiny and has a yellowish tinge to it. I've heard that stainless goes yellow over time, but I really don't know for sure. I've always been under the impression that titanium is dark and shiny, but maybe there are differnt types.... I understand that titanium is supposed to be light also, this particular system (with cat pipe) weighed 16kg's accodring to the freighting company. Does anyone know how much their stainless catback system weighs? Maybe we can do a rough comparison/estimation.. Also whats the go with welding different types of metal together (ie stainless and titanium)? Because this has a stainless steel muffler (as described). I was under the impression that titanium welding was very tricky... But I really don't know for sure.... Cheers.
  24. did they say what was wrong with the alternator exactly
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