hmmm well I'll soon have a bit more time on my hands, So I've come back to this thread to finish my aircon saga....
I went to regas the AC a couple of months back, and it seems that it does have enough refigerant in the system, and the compressor appears to be working fine............ So my 'hot air' problem is from something along the electrics line...
So I did the test just before..
I again got the 25 error code - it's all good
and the negative 26... or "-26"... I believe this is the PBR from looking at the Dave's original post and the "sky is the limit" book which has a reference on the climate control diagnositcs...
Perhaps the negative is just supposed to be a dash?
I also noticed that I get the error code '34' when doing the actuator testing eg - the motor for the feet is having a bit of trouble... which would explaina the SQEAK SQUEAKKKK SQUEAKYYY sound that is always made whenever the mode of the climate control has changed... Might have a look at this too.
PBR by the way is apparently the hot cold engine/ambient air flap thingy.. Which completely explains why there's hot air come through all the time. Does anyone know if this 'flap' is vaccum operated or electrically operated? Because as previously mentioned, when I give it a bit of stick from first or second, I hear a little pop or thud, and then hot air comes flodding in... My mental picuture was that the little pop/thud is the flap opening. So perhaps if the flap was vaccum operated, and there were leaks in the pipe or something, maybe it could be effected from the engine boosting???
Maybe it's just the acceleration of the car that's throwing the flap open - I've acutally seen the flap so I have no idea if this is possible or not...
But yeah these are my thoughts... I will be taking apart the dash next week to get to the bottom of all this, I'll try and include some photo's too.