there are cars out there you cant expect every car to have no accident history and reasonable ks for a low price check out this at imports 101
FOB Price in $AU FOB ÷ 82.1 $36540
Freight +$1150$37690
Duty +10% $41459
Customs clearance+ $450 $41909
GST+ 10% $46100
Import Approval $0 for SEVS cars$46100
Landed Cost: $46100
Compliance, $1200 SEVS, $3500 $49600
New Tyres None 4x 15" - $320 4x 16" - $440 4x 17" - $600 4x 18" - $1000 $49600
Immobiliser None Touch Key - $60 Remote - $175 Full Alarm - $400 $49600
Registration 6 months (about $250) 12 months (about $500) $49850
Stamp Duty on $49850 in QLD = $997 $50847
Imports101 Fee Gold Service, $1000 Platinum Service, $1200 $52047
Total, on the road: $52047