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About Ben101

  • Birthday 25/03/1979

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  • Car(s)
    R32 GTS-t

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  1. Mate I've got a r32 project car nearly a runner if interested
  2. That's a nice fit looks quite good in the engine bay did you have to modify the sump at all??
  3. Hi Shell sent you a pm about my membership haven't heard back been close to a month since I sent off payment and paperwork can you please let me know I have an event coming up at the end of this month and need to show club member ship don't want to have to join another club Thanks
  4. I have to agree 10m for a race weekend waste of money its time v8 super cars put some money back to grass roots motor sport can you imagine if the nsw government and v8 super cars pooled there funding together along with profits from the racing series and revenue from there safe driving campaigns they could build more tracks and employee people to work at them dangerous driving off the street, more people with work win win
  5. After watching this report they also seem to be mixing the story one is about drag racing and the other drift to me its just a report to stir everyone up, but we should take the chance to try and voice the need for more race tracks in NSW at a cheaper price to get people off the street in a controlled environment
  6. Ben101

    Visiting Japan

    Yer I thought the same thing when I read about it keep us posted if you get in on the tour there some great shops on the list
  7. Ben101

    Visiting Japan

    Hi peoples Going to hopefully be heading over to Osaka with k-tours around the 14th June anyone else signed up for the tour iseekool be good to meet up with another aussie over there for a beer but your going to be Tokyo
  8. I recently removed the hicas system on my r32 and decided to use the smaller pump off a rb25 but they have the different ribs, I then got the rb25 pump removed the shaft( its shorter ) got the r32 pump removed the shaft ( long shaft ) pressed off the pulleys swapped the 4 rib pulley to the short shaft re-installed removed half the body off the r32 pump use the back cover off the rb25 bolt it back together needed to grind the back plate to refit into r32 backet and not a problem steering is the way it was before
  9. There is a brass restrictor in the supply line to the pump perhaps removing that could increase flow?? but as you said could be to much pressure and blow seals ? If you do the s14 conversion you should be able to get rid of the hicas computer i think meaning if speedo cable breaks it won't affect the steering making heavier you have to check what controls the pressure on the s14 rack example on a track day doing 140km/ph you don't want super light steering it needs to ramp up slowly that could all be controlled by the s14 pump not sure haven't seen one .
  10. could also be using rb25 pump on a steering rack not built for it each series of pumps put out different flow rates perhaps look into changing the rack over
  11. ok ill look up the thread guy thanks
  12. While taken off manifold to change exh studs ( r32 rb20det ) ive had 5 break with the other half of stud in the head and the rest of studs stiff as to remove, don't wont to risk trying to use ezy outs as can't really line up a drill straight so thinking have to remove head been quoted $400 to $1000 depending on the work that needs doing thats not even a gasket kit yet can do the manual work myself to save $$$, or should spend extra and upgrade to rb25det any input appericiated Ben
  13. Hi guys, I did a search but couldn't find soild answers just competed in a motorkhana and had the steering go very heavy then light then heavy again so checked fuild all good next test happened again the car is a r32 gtst locked hicas bar all the system removed ecu still plugged in and using a r34 pump any ideas ?? and standared steering wheel Thanks in advance
  14. sounds good what dates are people thinking
  15. Don't mean to go off topic but what master cylinder are you all using with the g4? If your using stock master do you have good pedal feel
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