I saw YOU, not your car, you were sitting front and centre, I was sitting a few rows back to renew my license. I wasn't sure if it was you, but now I know
nice jail bait ya got there
I think washing your car and then leaving it on the lawn to get hit by The Dreaded Sprinklers is worse. Full wash cycle required immediately, because of water spots, with much swearing!
Well. when a mummy and daddy love each other Verrrry much and they decide to make a baby they...... have hardcore porn style sex without a douche bag, 9 months later your born and daddy leaves with, oh I don't know, Moe
Yeah, I parked next to you at City West in my 32BNR
Does this Kels isue have anything to do with what a drunk Skyline owner saw at City West when coming out of Northbridge at 1am? It was posted in Spotted....