I washed my car about 3 days ago and did it quite well, but unforetunately the wind and sprinklers totally ruined all my good work so I had to clean it again *sigh. So this time I took some pictures and cleaned it even better . Plus I got myself a new camera for christmas.
And heres the steps i took to wash my car:
1. Have a dirty car....check
2. Wet the car first so when you are rubbing the car to wash it you don't scratch it
3. Bucket of soapy water and off you go
4. Dump 2-3 buckets of soapy water over the car
5. Rinse
6. Wait a few minutes for some of the water to evaorate or run off the car
7. Chamois the car, rinsing the chamois every so often
8. Waxed using soft clothe and rubbing applied area for ~8 seconds or until dry
9. Then did windows and interior and wheels for the extra cleanliness B) (My windows were hella dirty on the inside)
So we start with the filthy car....
Bloody sprinklers
Now we select our weapons of choice, as you can see theres a whole range of cleaning products I used here. I just got a brand new Chamois Clothe for christmas too so I can use that for the rub down B).....
Didn't take any pics while the car was wet, but after it was washed and chamoised dry I took a break. Twas quite hot today
Bout 2 hours later:
This shot shows my bumper + side of garage door damage
So, go get some good cleaning gear and wash your car too . And remember not to do it when your sprinklers are due on the next day...Also to my utter dismae, I had this lovely big pool of engine blood under my car when I moved it . Time to book it in for a service I thinks...
Tom B)