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Count Grantleyish

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Everything posted by Count Grantleyish

  1. Ah ok.
  2. Good work Tony on making it happen. I'm sure there will be number of people jumping on the opportunity to make their car club rego'd. I've one question, about inspection by club executives, what sort of 'qualification' do they require to have before doing inspection of cars? (That question is just to satisfy my curiosity, feel free to PM if you don't want to share the answer publicly).
  3. Naice!
  4. 14.5 easy payments?
  5. Would a slab of Heineken suffice?
  6. Donate it to me. Pretty please?
  7. How fascinating, do tell us more about it Huy.
  8. Now, dribble some shit.
  9. Welcome to the latest page Alex.
  10. Yep, proper fail.
  11. Mmmm burgers....
  12. So much this, went on mobile browser cos the app isn't working only to find everything's shit as f**k.
  13. How many wheels have you trial fitted so far?
  14. Isn't 40 profile bit too tall for Skylines? Most run 35 profile.
  15. Posting cos mobile web is the gheys
  16. ^^^ *drools*
  17. What's going on?
  18. You recommend any good bank? You're my assistant, that cool with you?
  19. But I miss my old gtr which Anthony have it now. I want it back with Panasports.
  20. That's a good question...
  21. Sell the gtr back to me = problem solved.
  22. Ditto, interior of FG is horrid to look at. Dunno how did Leigh put it up maybe he has semi-botched laser eye surgery?
  23. Why aren't you at your local Ford dealership flogging falcons? You could save Ford all by yourself by the way you preach Fords...
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