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Count Grantleyish

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Everything posted by Count Grantleyish

  1. Alright
  2. New girlfriend Leighton?
  3. Sup Paul? Found the emo yet?
  4. Just drop the front shaft and do skids.
  5. WTAC also have drift challenge going on at same time.
  6. Awesome movie
  7. Fully hektik cuz
  8. Volk GT-AV
  9. Had same issue yesterday when I was in the area before work. Ended up filling at shell on Blackburn and Reynolds rd.
  10. It's always exciting with me no matter what mood I am in.
  11. Masturbate until you don't have balls.
  12. On the bright side, you don't have stupid a-lsd to deal with... I miss this car.
  13. Start drawing my face on your penis. nohomo
  14. I've worked it out, this app doesn't like quoting Leigh's posts.
  15. You did it yourself?
  16. Stupid app, didn't show my post with quote, it did on mobile browser...
  17. Yep, my face on your penis so you can look at my mug while you fap.
  18. Quote fail.
  19. Tattoo on your penis, it's going to be covered nearly all time anyway.
  20. Didn't he worked at Kmart in footscrazy?
  21. Hi Brodie, lovely motor you've got there and +1 to not running gtr badges on gtst - it's like chev badges on commos. As for gypsy cuddles, head over this thread, it's quite informative and educational* once you're in it and you won't look back. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/index.php?/topic/431367-Whoretown%20Iv:%20Land%20Of%20Gypsy%20Cuddle%20Gaps *it's not necessarily true. And enjoy your stay.
  22. What does the boost gauge read? Should be .7kg/mm from memory (been a while since I've had a gtr).
  23. This, the colour is yellow.
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