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Count Grantleyish

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Everything posted by Count Grantleyish

  1. Anthony, what wheels did you get? You should give the panas back to me, just sayin'
  2. You're a repost. Shit, 9 weeks... I'd be raging as well! Yep, I bought 34 GTT.
  3. Yeah, I'll see how I go with Alvins - just need to sit tight until he send me a SMS.
  4. ^ You ^ Me
  5. Need to look at Alvin's and go from there.
  6. Ishan, your's just a GT yeah?
  7. Home visits by Vicpol? The revenue must be low this month... Or, it's community outreach program month
  8. PM me your number, I'll organise a time to swing by (tonight or whenever you're free).
  9. 34 GTT owners, anyone got standard suspension I can borrow for roady? Pretty please? Can offer cash or reacharounds. PM me for sexytime.
  10. This chick's 46?!
  11. Tony said you're dieting. Listen to him then?
  12. You were waiting for 10 weeks so far? Who did you buy the wheels off?
  13. Morning everyone. SIMON And lol at 'dickhead tax'
  14. SIMON, don't be shy!
  15. again SIMON
  16. I'm here and there
  17. Yeah, so cheap now.
  18. Make sure you get brake ducts while you're at it. S2/3 are different, which I'm sure you know.
  19. Old seatbelt works now. Replacement belt, no dice, think they gave me wrong one, will have to go to wreckers again and get right one.
  20. Could be... Going to try disconnecting the battery, do the belts then reconnect and see what happens.
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