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Count Grantleyish

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Everything posted by Count Grantleyish

  1. I really do miss driving a R. Would like to buy one or head off UK/Europe again. Decisions, decisions.
  2. I have spare time to drive around for 1,000km.
  3. You travelled all the way to Queensland to tell us you're farking tired?
  4. GT-V is basically GT-T with n/a motor, you get GT-T LSD, Suspension, HICAS, Brakes from top off my head.
  5. Oh, mate is doing a track car so legalities doesn't worry him. No idea about QLD but not legal in VIC unless it comes from factory (think late model N12 Pulsar ET).
  6. BTW, when you're shopping for turbo on the GT-V, make sure you get low mount kit not high mount kit. Mate and I discovered that top bit of intake runners hitting the turbo.
  7. Pictures of said loss of sideskirts?
  8. Needs more dirt/mud
  9. Haha, whores everywhere are fast as!
  10. That's what 'quote' button is for.
  11. Hamish's into something good there....
  12. For street or track? If track, don't bother as they are known to crack. Get RDA or something else.
  13. Don't pull the engine apart. Slap a turbo on it, drive around til it blows then buy turbo motor or RB30. A mate is doing 25de neo + Trust T67-25g on his (work in progress).
  14. Yah, was shown what a failed balancer can do... When old one wears out. I thought about getting Ross/ATI but was told not to bother for stock motor and ended up getting another stock balancer when mine worn out many moons ago. Plus reading few stories about Ross balancer throwing ancillary belts 'cause it was out of alignment to stock ancillary pulleys.
  15. Folks, Ball joints are SOLD and posted. Cheers Grant
  16. Anthony and Andy, what balancer are you using?
  17. How many kms have it done out of interest? Decent to-do list here.
  18. That's fine, I just assumed you're a business owner or something along these lines. Mental note to self, don't assume and ask.
  19. LOL relax man, we don't know if it happened.
  20. For $120? No thanks. If it's only $5, I would.
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