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Count Grantleyish

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Everything posted by Count Grantleyish

  1. Be careful, you'll cause this forum to explode.
  2. Yes, nothing lights thing up like a female in the internets.
  3. 12 guests are lurking on this thread now... Must be exciting thread to be in.
  4. Aw, poor you.
  5. What brings you all to this lovely state of Victoria?
  6. I'd rather buy one already here than go to import route - I'd hate to wait ages for a car only to have it break on you. You can look at it yourself and test drive them rather than relying on 3rd party doing the work for you, just my opinion. There's number of good 32r's here with owners pouring cash on them and taking good care of them, just need to look around, you never know what you can stumble across if you look around. About these importers, it's nothing we can do to stop them from doing it apart from not buying a car from them.
  7. Look locally @ carsales. Honestly with amount of R32 GTR's in your price bracket, I wouldn't bother importing.
  8. Stock cat-back incl cat is SOLD and collected just then. Stock ECU is on hold. Here is what's left; Brand new pair front ball joint for R33 (and maybe R34) GTR - not needed at all. Asking $80 ONO. Standard R33 GTR Strut brace - $40 Exhaust silencer to suit HKS Hi-Power (and Silent as well) - $40 Bosch 044 fuel pump, in working condition prior to removal - $130 As usual, will entertain offers. Cheers Grant
  9. Folks, Back in town now. And Cusco strut tops are SOLD and posted. Cheers Grant
  10. I don't listen/play music at all (can't stand it for some reason but loud exhaust pleases me - don't ask why, I've no idea), my older brother do sometimes and others I know do that too. Yep, they usually go to loud place, it's the only place they can feel the music and dance accordingly.
  11. Both the Pinnacles and Wave Rock although they were in woop-woop.
  12. Nein, back home now.
  13. Sup folks?
  14. 7k is still too high. Max I'd pay is $2k simply 'cause its only a n/a auto.
  15. By all means, put it up for whatever price you want, and see what the market says.
  16. In the end of the day, it's only a N/A auto and no way I'd pay 'p-plater tax' these n/a imports are commanding let alone bent one. You're better off parting it out, there is money to be had on brakes, LSD, and probably other bits (depending on how modified yours are).
  17. No way you'll get $8k for your 'bent' 34 especially when people are selling undamaged auto turbo 34 at this price. You might get couple of grand at most. Or wreck it out, you might get more $ that way.
  18. That's impressive
  19. How many trackdays did you do with a set of ad08s before moving on with rs3's?
  20. Noticed any difference in wear between these two? I know you run both in different size so that'd be in-direct comparison but I'm curious and I'm sure others will be too.
  21. Oh, I see. Edit: what's the tread wear rating on these two?
  22. Richo, what's the difference between ad08 and ad08r? Different compound/tread pattern I'm guessing?
  23. Tony, you bought 18" yeah? Tried to look at what size you bought as you only mentioned 9.5" width.
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