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Count Grantleyish

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Everything posted by Count Grantleyish

  1. Hamish, is it just me or I can't see a image?
  2. Any job that is better than my current job for a start, wouldn't mind getting in banking even though my maths suck balls. I'll just tell them I'm good with saving monies.
  3. Any decent ones you know of? Or I should google and find one that is close enough?
  4. Daniel, thanks for a suggestion, I'd need to find one willing to take me in (usually my biggest problem trying to telling them I'm as good as anyone), about year 12 qualification that is tough cos I've attempted year 12 3 times but don't have the motivation to continue, besides I'm 25 now and I feel it's too late for me to attempt another 'waste of time venture' by doing it... I guess a pay check motivate me better than anything, I'm sure it'd be same for everyone. Plus, I'm unsure how to go in a big corporate as they usually don't advertise directly so I'd have to know someone who knows someone, that sort of things yeah? I suppose I could stay at Coles but I know I won't work my way up with them, and to be frank it does get boring/frustrating (sometimes both) to work, at least it pays alright for what it is and I'm grateful for that. Alex, to be honest, I have only one hobby (yes, I need more hobbies!) that is cars BUT I don't want to work in a industry that is either dying or will make me hate it - have seen people hating cars (usually mechanics) after working in this industry. Won't bother doing apprenticeship simply the fact I'm 25 - cruel I know, in the end of the day every business want to cut the costs to maximise profits blah blah blah, etc... Damn, I feel intelligent now!
  5. Since we all are being philosophical, I now come to a point where I really need a career change. My issue is that I don't have any qualifications (not even year 12), not my proudest moment ever, I don't have a clue what I want to do, where to go afterwards etc... So, any suggestions for a career that is worth looking into (not worth suggesting brainy stuff), I'm all eyes. Having tried mechanic, plumbing, electricial, truck driver, and even a support worker - all with miserable results, so it seems like I like chasing broken dreams.
  6. Either manual or ZF auto, Leigh told me to get a auto but I don't want a auto. Parts, go to your local ford dealer or wreckers, same car as cops in some areas. It does look plain, which is good if you want to blend in the traffic.
  7. You and me both... Only thing hold me back is the fact it's 4 door which I don't need, I seem to recall you wanting a sedan. Couldn't think of any reason why you shouldn't buy one.
  8. Whoa, everyone here is a genius...
  9. Ahh, my old wheels
  10. Jebus...
  11. Okay then...
  12. So it's still mine eh? Can't make it as I work afternoon/nights as always
  13. Yes I do.
  14. That's sweet Pajero you've got there.
  15. Bigger blanket it is then. Go to Mum/grandma or find someone in retirement home to knit you big, bigger, biggest blanket.
  16. Go without pants
  17. They're only $8.95, go buy it.
  18. They're the only reason I buy Motor otherwise I wouldn't bother buying/browse it at all. 86/BRZ and Golfs seems to be next budget 'Tuner' cars.
  19. Reading this right now.
  20. Juliette, you don't get much luck with cars?
  21. I'll try, otherwise might show up in cardboard car.
  22. Kitchen table, purely to annoy my dad.
  23. You very sad?
  24. Mmmm Meisters.... Kinda tempted to order another set of 18x11 +5 that JDM concept has on special.
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