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Count Grantleyish

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Everything posted by Count Grantleyish

  1. 3 Hours for what?!
  2. I think I've been loitering around for a while at the start.
  3. If you're at home often, get aircon. If you're often out and about, get motorbike.
  4. Oh well, unbroke it.
  5. Don't you have air conditioner? Just get Patrick to vinyl wrap it.
  6. I have yet to work for Harry. Think I'm going to watch FnF later. Bad day out at the tracks John?
  7. Well, he needs NOS, he need 2 and he needs it by tonight Harry.
  8. Do a search.
  9. Define low pay via PM. Might change jobs simply I am fed up with endless idiots can't find anything simple.
  10. Same, stupidly agreed to 9 hour shift tonight.
  11. Thanks Martin, my 2010's 'she'll buff right out award' trophy will be sitting next to my laptop forever alone.
  12. Mr Birds, giving useful advice as always. This club is so lucky to have him.
  13. Is there any for me? Also for whoever missed out, list who get what trophies? And I still need to collect the fuel voucher I won @ SnS.
  14. Make him appreciate a VL Calais.
  15. Hmm... I have one to collect but have work tonight So... what to do...
  16. Seller keeping it or someone bought it?
  17. On carsales for $44.5k isn't it?
  18. So the Celica is a berocca orange?
  19. Aaron's friend?
  20. 400 pages, well done all. Keep up the good work ladies and gentlemen.
  21. Mine ended up on hold for a hour, hang up called back twice and got quick service.
  22. I'll just dump this here.
  23. Banks, old story really.
  24. On hold for 15 minutes so far... what's the longest you've been on hold for?
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