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Count Grantleyish

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Everything posted by Count Grantleyish

  1. Geez, tough decision to make...
  2. The one you extended her probation?
  3. On EMOs, yes but on Moh's 'special' car - nah. Moh did the right thing by painting it matt black, speaking of painting the calipers, I need to do mine...
  4. Nope, red look arse.
  5. Me or him?
  6. Brown like you Mohsen?
  7. Yup, 2 removed and will have to remove 2 more. $550 down in te drain, will have to spend another $550
  8. Morning Nicole. Tony, was awake during te procedure, only 2 were removed at this stage, my dentist were kind enough to give me 3 days sickie. Local anesthetic were used, he said he won't do 4 at once cos of probability of swollen lip and cheeks or something. Had shitty sleep for last 2 days and my brother is bothering me right now when we stop at a red light...
  9. Still in f**king pain, time for more tablets. Whee.
  10. LOL, poor bloke had to stick his head...
  11. On the bright side, you're doing better than me.
  12. University.
  13. Cool story brah.
  14. Whoa, so many cruises
  15. Aaron, happy coming out of vagina day. And my face f**king hurts - had 2x wisdom teeth pulled out. Not a experience I want to do sometime soon but I have to
  16. You can get new Meister in 19s, think 20s are possible but in 2p though.
  17. Side Skirts is SOLD! Will look into any offers for rest of the available bits n pieces.
  18. Somebody's very angry today.
  19. I really do need new job that I work in daytime.
  20. You providing onions at every cruises/events?
  21. Or he's successful in bribing the road authorities?
  22. Holy moly, that is some damage... On the bright side, he's ok for time being and hope he recovers.
  23. Most likely there aren't any ventilation boxes in the van. To transport a oxy-acetylene tank, you need ventilation should it be secured inside a van, otherwise the pressure inside expands and combine it with heat, ignition of any shape or form, you'll get this.
  24. How did it explode?
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