Plus, these buses now have their own piece of road.
And in some parts of Doncaster East, some wiseass decided to put bus stop right on the road where other road users are driving on.
Everyone had to overtake buses on single unbroken line (which is illegal), I really do want torture the idiot who came up with it.
Whoa Hamish, your work commitments have taken the better of you... Thanks for your effort of taking the top role over the year, I'm sure it's no easy task.
Well done John and Ash for their new roles.
Wouldn't you happen to have 2x metal brackets is being used to hold the number plates by any chance?
The black thing on bumper, being screwed into reinforcment bar.
Pretty sure it hasn't dropped to a level the government want us to know.
But they had 'fudged' the statistics regarding crime, wouldn't surprise me if they have 'tweaking' the amount of road toll.
Listen to the ladies above.
Get 25GT, drive it around for 4 years. When you're off P's, buy GTR.
Man, P platers back in these days were awesome, driving around in turbos, these days are long gone.
What Cass said along with motor oil.
Plus I prefer to pay someone to do oil change nowadays, cant be arsed doing the work and disposing of the oil afterwards.