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Count Grantleyish

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Everything posted by Count Grantleyish

  1. You love it
  2. Aw, poor you.
  3. So when you wear it, you cringe at yourself?
  4. What he said. Plus front camber won't go that negatively as much as rear does when you lower it.
  5. Good luck.
  6. He can't without breaking tools.
  7. Sounds gay.
  8. SERT and CIRT?
  9. It's american yeah?
  10. Go ahead and kill him. Judges won't put you in jail.
  11. Might give it a crack.
  12. No need for oil pump/collar or engine rebuild just yet since you can kill rebuilt motor as well, overfill the sump by a litre as a 'insurance' for time being. When the motor is dead, go nuts. /thread and please bury it for once and all! We have 300-350kw thread somewhere in this forum with heaps of information.
  13. Well done Dave
  14. https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/t1.0-9/p180x540/1509877_10202639877331465_2028308877_n.jpg Paint like this Paul.
  15. Find some more money then? Or do as LP said.
  16. Why $20? Is it what you've got in your wallet right now?
  17. Just stretch your budget to $100. #yolo
  18. Need that italian wheel, and roll/flare the guards.
  19. Hope it doesn't come back as error 404, car not found.
  20. Are you sure? Just checked, they're not rolled or anything unless it's some sneaky shit you did?
  21. What Platts say. Nah, kidding. Want Nismo centre gauges and cusco rear upper arms. Debating on moving superlaps for something else.
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