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Count Grantleyish

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Everything posted by Count Grantleyish

  1. I know. I wanted to know why he isn't now.
  2. le Ants Why aren't you HYPNOTOAD?
  3. Not rare, I do see them pop up every now and then. I believe Import Monster have a set in 18x10 at the moment.
  4. There's no springs in there becoz commo.
  5. Not low enough
  6. Bunch of hardparkers touching each others genitals. Police might pop up.
  7. Lovely motor.
  8. Her satisfaction will extend if you're like the waiter in the video I posted in WT
  9. I'm sure she was satisfied for a moment...
  10. Yep, they're there to keep you busy
  11. My question still hasn't answered.
  12. To disappoint me?
  13. He's just up early to look out for ze Germans.
  14. It only works when there's a major event going on. Other times, don't bother...
  15. Can you buy me a Mustang for $5 plz Leigh?
  16. But I want to drive golf cart.
  17. I've never played golf cos I've no desire to play unless I get to drive golf cart. My brothers know this and they don't ask me to play for that very reason...
  18. Just yell 'FORE!' And drive the golf cart into tree or ditch.
  19. Typical Martin response.
  20. le Frenchy, I am ze disappoint.
  21. Your wife up for the gig?
  22. You'll need a photographer. To take photos you know.
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