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Count Grantleyish

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Everything posted by Count Grantleyish

  1. Ah ok, thanks for that.
  2. lol 10 grand tommykaria wheels...
  3. One question, can't find anywhere on vicroads site but is there a time restriction for using it? I.e. allowed to drive at nights or?
  4. 0% here, lame shit.
  5. There was ns.com style 'reputation' thing this forum had, I made unsavoury comments about my 32 gtr ownership (that lasted 3 months I think?) that managed to piss 3/4 vic wastelanders off, everyone disliked nearly all my posts lol. I've managed to go as low as -90 or something, the reputation thing scrapped soon after.
  6. hahahaha
  7. Thats Aaron and Niroj. We've got the party covered.
  8. And SIMON will love it.
  9. Sexytime in your bedroom or your office. Your choice.
  10. Just whisper something sexy into his ear. He's flexible.
  11. It has to blow his mind.
  12. Only if you give him some mouth hugs and maybe cupping of his genitals.
  13. The data isn't
  14. FYP for accuracy.
  15. Sorry to break it to you but it isn't stock. Well, the shafts are. Just egg on him to do epic skids beforehand in hope it'll 'let go'
  16. What he said. When you organise a tow, request a flatbed.
  17. Lovely bicycle.
  18. Scarobourgh Beach yeah?
  19. You're not that important to them by the look of it.
  20. I do. SIMON have one, as do birds, Patrick sent his to WA, umm who else?
  21. Steal the V8 off Leigh's taxi and put it in the 86 then.
  22. No one here is rich enough to buy a 86. Why you selling?
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