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    Skyline 250GT

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  1. Hi there, Is there anyone in Auckland that still offers language conversion for a v35 skyline? Really want to get my car converted as its the one thing that really irks me about the car. Thanks
  2. If you're looking for mods to do to a 250GT, try first with just really a really good service. Every think clean and new, and brand new fluids. Following this, go for a Z-Tube. In terms of performance gains its really quite negligible (Tiny TINY feeling in power), but it does make for some nice intake sounds. A grounding kit is also a recommendation. If you look at the grounding cable coming from you're battery you can see how it really is quite shit. A decent grounding kit can just help with the overall running of the car, esp with automatic. Personally I noticed a much better charge to the battery when the engine was running. 14.1v vs 14.5v with the kit. I've asked around with the plenum spacer but no one really seems to know. I also really want to know whether or not the plenum spacer from the VQ35DE will work on this because some people are reporting dyno figures of around +8-13hp with it on. So if anyone does know please also respond to this. Apart from that, that's pretty much it. This is one of the highest HP naturally aspirated 2.5l nissan has made, so the ECU is very temperamental for any changes and it self learns as well. Piggy back systems are possible, but they are quite expensive. Also i'm all the way in NZ and currently theres a VQ25DET engine on trademe here going for $1900 with only 130,000km done on it. SO tempting, but wouldn't know where to start to get the engine fitted into my 250GT
  3. Done. Replaced with a standard one from Ryco. Got some new oil for it as well, full synthetic. The current oil is looking pretty minging. No not at all, and if there were any they'd be so minimal i wouldn't feel it. A lot of other people have reported close to 5-8% gains with a spacer, so i was just curious.
  4. Main reason is just to squeeze a bit more power out of the engine. I know i should have gone for the 350GT if i wanted power but can't argue with the price i got my 250 for. Already have a z tube and a K&N drop in. Will try giving the inside of the plenum a clean, but any idea if the 350GT spacers would work?
  5. Hi Does anyone know whether the plenum spacers for the 350GT/G35 will work for the 250GT? Thanks
  6. Does anyone have any experience with modifying the intake manifold with the 250GT 2003. I know i'm not looking at any real world gains, just looking to improve the intake sound. Would a system for a G35 such as this http://www.conceptzperformance.com/Cart/description.php?II=3206&Car_Type=G35&UID=20140106202011125.237.104.225 work with the 250GT? Thanks
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