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    Future (skyline r34)
  • Real Name
    Rick Johnson

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  1. Thanks for all the replies !! I think i might just get a cheap car first then, work on a better car down the track, Im looking at a nissan pulsar for $500 mate owns it seems like a perfect car to learn in, Opinions? Its a manual, going to get more information soon.
  2. Hahahahaha ! so true, yeah very good points, thanks man. hahaah
  3. Thanks for the suggestion really arent my type of car though thanks.
  4. Yeah gotcha, thanks for the reply, i acutally was forgetting about insurance and thats something i HAVE to keep in mind, yeah i dont mind liberties might have a look around thanks !
  5. Been looking at a car for ages, Its common sense every young guy wants the greatest car, as his first car, But its a learning car, So meh i dont mind, (im still after something decent) I would buy a r34, for one its my first car i dont want to ride off a good car (if i do) there mostly turbo, cant drive etc. What would you get as your first car, Only decent cars i like a s15/14's, R34 * R33, Supra, Wrx, Thats about it, Like there all not cheap cars, Arghh its annoying. Any advice?
  6. Hmm that's why I also posted this.. He tolled me a r34 I had a feeling it was something different, I was going to pop the botnet and have a look didn't want to be rude though. And I had to be somewhere ahah, didn't have time.
  7. Thinking about buying a r34, two door needs some work, Up for new tyres soon, Front grill is missing, what would you pay for it? its not bad in person, Something i might want to get for the right price and clean it up. but what do you reckon? its something i have been looking at for a while cant really find a r34, for under $10,000 this is under, but i needs some work im thinking atleast $1,000 - $2,000 + New tyres, front end lights , not to much needs done 98k on the clock i have a feeling it might of got wound back Thanks, how much would you pay for this? Im looking around for rough prices.
  8. I just realised this is in the wrong section, mods could you please move it to the right section thanks
  9. hello, been looking around for a while, i was going to get a s15 or s14, and do them up, I would rather a r34, I havent really seen to many cheap skylines selling lately, i have my own on one, 1999 model r34, only done 91k KM, its down in VIC, im in QLD Im just trying to think if i should wait and keep looking for a half decent deal in QLD, i cant really find any under $10,000 - $20,00, The one im looking at now, he wants $6,500 which plane tickets down there would be couple hundred, then drive up would be a good hundred, or two, in petrol, I would be looking at easy $7,000 + the time i got it back in QLD, then i would want to do it up. Arrgh, just trying to decide, if i should let it slip or not.
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