Little update, electrical issues are starting to drive me crazy. When I lock my car the doors dont lock only the immob and alarm turn on, tcs light dims when indicating and other fun things eventually the battery died so I replaced it with a slightly larger one. This fixed all my of cause not two days later it started like the battery was drained and the doors stopped locking again. The only aftermarket electrical items are a headunit to oem wiring, boost guage which is on acc, and a ice install in the boot which has been completely disconnected. And a mongoose alarm which was installed by a "professional". So ill have to borrow a dc clamp meter to find what is driving me crazy.
after some spirited driving I glazed the pads quite severely, the next day on the way to work I had to do an e stop because the nice lady in front slammed her brakes on and I just couldn't pull up, hit her doing less than 20ks but all the damage was done to my car, front bar and support bent, headlight brackets smashed and a kink in the bonnet.