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    03 M35 RX4
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  1. Hi all, I've hunted high and low and cannot find a picture of the OEM end of the loom plug. I was given a kit with no loom and I need to make one. If someone has one and can photograph each side of the plug or has a diagram that would really help. I've managed to work out the top plug of photos online.
  2. M35 Tein adjustable suspension Missing rear shocks. Condition unknown. $300 Happy to post.
  3. For Sale: HKS Sump plate to suit RWD VQ Motor Brand new, never fitted. Won't fit 4wd Stagea so it's no use to me. Happy to post etc. $400 (sob stories and epic tails of woe may work a little).
  4. Thanks to all for the info and I'll be making a few calls. I posted in another post about a turbo I have that might be better than I thought. Also this R33 core sounds interesting. To google I go! My 2 cents regarding everything else: I am on here a lot for info, but often don't know enough to contribute. I've been around motorcycle and speedway racing for 30+ years and will simply say that this is the way of so many forums/groups/clubs. There are many ways to skin a cat and I have always noticed that the most knowledgeable people tend to be the most passionate about their conclusions and the ones with the most time/money/life invested. I really appreciate anyone who takes the time to share that information and just accept that sometimes passionate people rub each other the wrong way. It would be so boring if we all made the same car the same way! Thanks for the help
  5. Thanks mate, that's good info to have Is there any value in doing work to the housings? The pictures of hiflowed ones seem to have a lot of the material in the exhaust side removed. Also will the ceramic stock wheel be OK to use. Really don't want to have to do this job twice!
  6. Hi all, I picked up a second hand turbo a while back that was advertised as being a hiflowed turbo with a Garrett 2871 core. When I got there it looked stock and not hiflowed. Eneded up getting it cheap with view of just rebuilding it. It occurred to me today that maybe that glass was actually half full and I should look into it more first. Is there anyway to tell what the core actually is? If it was a 2871 core what would it be like on a stock car with one of Scotties dump pipes and a hiflow cat? Thanks everyone
  7. Hi all, Before running me out of town and onto the search button please hear me out. There is a fair bit of info on here about turbos and some of it is quite old. I'm not big into turbo stuff, vintage 2 stroke bikes are my thing, so a lot of the info on here gets me all turned about. Over time stuff changes and the bank of knowledge builds, so what was epic in a 2011 post might be old hat now. So with that in mind I would like to ask a couple of questions about rebuilding my M35s turbo: I love my wagon but it's not a speed project. I want to keep it with stock lag or less. 1) is there an off the shelf part to replace the core of the origional turbo that is close to stock? 2) if not what is the current choice of hi flow rebuilds to suit a car that is keeping a stock computer and injectors? 3) other than replacing the dump pipe cat with one of Scotties is there anything else I should do to get the most out of the stock setup? Thanks to anyone who takes the time to help
  8. Hi, Can anyone help with any of the following: 1) Sell me a good working rear door motor? 2) Tell me of a business to do the same? 3) Instruct me in the zen art of rebuilding the existing motor (if there is a way/parts/kit) Typical luck, had the car for nearly 2 years and the motor dies the week before it becomes the baby wagon. Getting sick of pulling a pram out of the glass hatch! Thanks all.
  9. Hi, Insurance has had my car since Novemeber and I has just told me to wait another 2 months so they can get a new front bar. Had enough and they have aggreed to fit and pay for whatever alternatiive I can find! Need a front bar with or without fog lights and grill for an 02 RX4 in good condition or any aftermarket kits that might be available. Wifes pregnant and I just want her car back! Thanks Will
  10. Sorry, been off doing assignments. I actually fixed mine by disconnecting the battery..... Go figure. Could be worth a try and it's a cheap fix
  11. Thanks mate I might need to take you up on that. Beer and pizza will be provided! Is there a multimeter check I can do on the motor? I'll pull the trim off tomorrow and make sure it's not a plug undone or something easy
  12. Neither the lock or the auto close work, but it's been complied form3 years.... It worked well then stoped. Anymore hints before I engage an auto elec? Any simple tests I could do?
  13. Yes. There are two boxes behind the battery and 1 in the kick panel. All seem ok. Is there a sensor or something in the door that reels it to lock/close after you shut it?
  14. Dry as a bone. Has anyone else had this problem?
  15. My Japanese is poor. Are there more fuses than the two in the drivers footwell? I've only been able to find a translation for that fuse box?
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