Hi all,
Before running me out of town and onto the search button please hear me out.
There is a fair bit of info on here about turbos and some of it is quite old. I'm not big into turbo stuff, vintage 2 stroke bikes are my thing, so a lot of the info on here gets me all turned about. Over time stuff changes and the bank of knowledge builds, so what was epic in a 2011 post might be old hat now. So with that in mind I would like to ask a couple of questions about rebuilding my M35s turbo:
I love my wagon but it's not a speed project. I want to keep it with stock lag or less.
1) is there an off the shelf part to replace the core of the origional turbo that is close to stock?
2) if not what is the current choice of hi flow rebuilds to suit a car that is keeping a stock computer and injectors?
3) other than replacing the dump pipe cat with one of Scotties is there anything else I should do to get the most out of the stock setup?
Thanks to anyone who takes the time to help