Hi All,
Unsure who to speak to, I was initially speaking with Chris and Adam in relation to this, but nobody has replied to my emails in over a week, and am getting concerned about my payment made on the day of DECA re: CAMS membership and an SAU membership.
In all, I paid $265 to SAU for an entry for DECA, an SAU membership, and a CAMS licence. $155 of that was directly deposited into the SAU bank account (which I have a receipt for), the other $110 was a cash payment made on the day of DECA. There was some confusion going on about which licence I was to have etc, as I had initially paid for the AASA licence then switched to CAMS as I'll be racing as of next year etc.
My cash payment has gone missing, along with any records of me paying. I'm not a thief, and would never consider robbing a car club of $110. Especially such a minute amount anyway.
Could someone from administration please assist in clearing this up please? I am wanting to come to some of these exclusive meets soon and I can't see anything on the forum!!
Thank you!