hey guys im stuck big time
ive got a 32 gtr, avcr, exhaust, and filters.
with the avcr, it spikes like a fking cactus, i have 2 settings, .7 bar, and .9 bar. Both never drop below .9 bar, but in the menus it says .7 for A and .9 for B... wtf? neways the major problem is the fact that im getting .9 in 3rd 4th and 5th, but in 1st it ranges from 1.2 bar right up to 1.49 bar being the highest i have seen......yes it fkn scared me too as far as i know i have stock turbos.
so does ne1 know what i can do with it ?? is there any settings, duty cycles, gear judge, nething at all that u guys know of that i can use to correct it ?
any help at all would be great thanks every1, if any1 has a gtr and using an avcr, can u please pm me that would be great !
thanks in advance