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  1. Nah I'm not sure what was wrong, swapped it for a 33 gtr pump I had laying around and all is sweet now. No more drama's thanks for the help!
  2. Changed the fuel pump. Exchanged the standard one for a walbro gss341 and now my car won't even start? Any ideas?
  3. Nah defiantly isn't the clutch, I'll try the fuel pump and let you's know if it changed anything. Thanks for the help!
  4. I've got a walbro 255 here, is that suitable replacement? It's still running stock ecu.
  5. And also, when it gets to like 5000rpm there's a change in exhuast note and it just goes like really loud but doesn't go anywhere
  6. It looks to be falling apart in like the places where you can see it, so I'll replace that and do the fuel pump and hope all is good after.
  7. Just after some advice on what I should do. The manifold gasket is looking pretty haggard at the moment could it be that?
  8. Hey guys, so my r32 boosts fine up until just before 5000rpm and then I kinda just dies off and only gains revs quite slowly. It's as if it's kinda staving for fuel as it'll sometimes splutter a tiny bit like not bad but it does every now and again. I'm leaning towards fuel pump and it takes awhile to start in the morning when it first gets started like it'll fire and then stall unless I rev it up. It used to pull so much harder when I first purchasing the car around a year ago. All is pretty standard, rb25 turbo, front mount splitfire coils and that's about it. Thanks in advance!
  9. Vicegrips isn't solving this problem which is a first, I've got a whole s13 front calliper sitting here so should I just put that on? They look the same just the bleed nipper is in a different spot
  10. Are s13 front callipers the same as r32 gts or?
  11. No I was using a 10mm spanner. So I pretty much have the get a new calliper as this bolt is not coming off anytime soon?
  12. Hey guys, trying to bleed my brakes and the head has fully stripped so I can't loosen it. Is there any other way to bleed my brakes? It's the last calliper as well.
  13. I mean the flat head screw driver bits, all four snapped?
  14. Hey guys, just tried to adjust my handbrake and all of the adjusting screws snapped so I now have no handbrake. any one know where I could buy new bolts?
  15. Hey guys, just wondering if 14" centrelines will fit over my rear r32 gts-t brakes?
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