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Everything posted by Madaz

  1. npz hopefully its an easy fix
  2. cool let me know via txt i can drop in possibly tomorrow
  3. is he tuning with data logit i have a gtr pfc in my car if you need a test unit but he needs to have datalogit to save my map
  4. oh worst come to worst i can help but im up north east
  5. who's tuning it Pete only the top one is the rev limit http://www.paulr33.com/powerfc-emulator/menu_1_2_10_1.html
  6. where are you located
  7. hahah i just recieved an email for corsair headphones http://www.i-tech.com.au/products/84020_Corsair_HS1A_Analog_Gaming_Headset.aspx
  8. i did want one of these keyboards but never ended up getting one, still might one of these days they do look pretty good http://www.i-tech.com.au/products/59520_STEEL_64049_KBMERCSTLTH__STEELSERIES.aspx
  9. the 32/4 is Kahli
  10. ty, that is its good side hahah yeah i would of done the same but didn't want to wake the dead
  11. that was me its gun metal grey btw
  12. yeah we were heading home from an exec meeting
  13. play nice boys welcome aboard Vlasi
  14. well give it some time dude i don't mean to sound harsh to you me and my old man have been playing for sometime now maybe 10 months they didn't used to be invisible but once patch borked the spotting system and TD's seem to be the most effected
  15. its the bank of Valletta true story http://bov.com/
  16. ^^ i could be a ploy to raise more revenue
  17. nice video needs moar hoon
  18. Ah and how long have you been playing, 1 weekend trust me its a bug People having tanks disappear is due to radio range, if your radio only goes say 300m and your teamate goes further then they will disappear
  19. Yeah its shit now, I was apart of the beta testers Grinding tanks takes for ever they didn't fix an invisibility bug whereby a stationary tank can shoot you and your about 20m away and you still can't see him I still play it as it is a bit of fun, and load up fraps just in case you need to take a Ss of some tk'er
  20. just jap *cough*chineesesteel*cough*
  21. that they would and happy to massage guards
  22. you getting those brakes
  23. his name might suggest R33 as per his Car(s) is R33
  24. I think taking sand out of dry cement would be a little easier
  25. can http://audacity.sourceforge.net/ help ?
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