yeah cool, just ill have my 10yr old daughter would love to come down for a bit meet Christian and some of the others but i may already meet them at the trackday
drinking is not my thing so not interested in that side of the trip
or red bull maybe a cafe latte with a shot of red bull
naw no time was set for meeting @ 6:30 tailem maybe meet @ tailem and depart tailem @ 6:45 (thereabouts once everyone has fueled done a pit stop got coffee and drinks)
i assume 1.5 hours would give us enough to to get there Josh?
remember a lot of this trip will be play it by ear
Hi guys not sure how popular this would even be or if it would cause more headaches that are our current user groups
Idea: create new Super User
Q. who gets it i hear you ask?
A. personal donations of $xx or $xxx
i hadn't figured out a dollar amount
Q. what do you get for that
Increase Capacity Inbox
Removed Spam lock
Ability to PM multiple Users
Warm Fuzzies that you contributing to the largest Skyline community in the southern hemisphere and probably the world
a free ticket to world domination (may or may not exist)
oh dont forget a cool banner under your name
this may not be feasible but just thinking out aloud
yeah but aren't you guys heading out mid morning like 8am or something
ill be heading out from my house @ about 5am not sure if ill head to murray bridge through the freeway or palmer
good idea for a thread Matty
little black pipe is that where your water is coming from? if so that's your air con overflow hose
if not im not sure what you want me to see