ok my 5 second build
case: a $103 thermal take case i have the V9 looks nice enough
mobo: gigabyte Gigabyte GA-Z68MA-D2H-B3 $139 (you will want to know how many slots you want to use if using dual gfx you may loose the other pcie slot)
CPU: i7 2600 $285
PSU: Antec HCG-900 High Current Gamer Gaming PSU $157.00
ram: 8gb gskill sniper $69
GFX: ASUS 1GB 6950 PCI-E VGA Card $259.00
HDD: WD SATA 2TB HDD $82.00 (i call black over rated for the extra few seconds it saves tou if you want to sound cool to everyone sure put the black in and save a bees dick of time)
OS: Microsoft MS Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit OEM $94
OPTICAL: LG Blu-Ray Combo $68.00
TOTAL $1256
i have all these parts except 2gb hdd and blu ray, i went with the i7 2600k unlocked multiplier, oh i have a coolmaster psu i think 750w, i also went with the power color 6950 for about $225
there may be haters on a budget system like that but im also over spending stupid amounts of money of buzz word hardware, like i said im running this gear and its great