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Everything posted by predator

  1. I've got a standard din CD deck that works as radio.. but i think the CD part is dodgy.. will hook up to standard wiring..
  2. It was to stop getting annoyed.. as I am a little sick of advertising one thing at one price, and then people trying to offer half the price (not you, but in general), its a bit of an insult sometimes if its nowhere near the price askeed. Obviously if the price is too high I won't have many enquiries and drop the price accordingly. I don't need to be told this, and it is actually against the trading rules as posted. Once you've sold a few things on here you kind of get sick of it a little. Any offers over $350 ?
  3. sounds like steering rack is starting to leak.. it will probably be power steering fluid, mixed with a bit of grease. Probably built up in the boot, then the boot split, and it splattered over the place - like you say actually You could clean it all up, but you will probably notice it again in a few short weeks if it's really bad. You'll probably need the steering rack reconditioned, or replaced.
  4. yeah, I'll be there tonight.. what u look like? not like the avatar ?
  5. this is all too funny.. but I think i'm going to be withdrawing my kidney is from sale after a hard saturday night after it suffered premature and unexpected failure.. and I'm off to spain guys.. seeya!! ahhh..dorridorri comment in there too - good work!
  6. I've pulled the rear wiper out of my R32, as it wasn't working anyway. I've also saved about 2kg of weight - I'm excited.. Now there is a nice sized circle in the glass. Anybody know where I could get a rubber or plastic grommet to go in the 2cm or so hole?? You must be able to find them around, its just a matter of where. Who would supply them? Boat shop or something??
  7. the s2 turbo is no better than s1, if not worse - that is the going rate.. anyhow mate.. keep dreaming for your turbo for $100.. if they were all that cheap and you could choose from the 20 that were advertised on here right now, you'd have one by now eh? no water and oil lines sorry. I'm not exactly sure on the km, I think its around 90,000km.. and was running 10psi on the old car.
  8. *** SOLD *** Got a series1 RB25det turbo.. model# printed on it is: 45V3 Appears to have little to no shaft play , and was definitely working fine in the car I bought it off. Makes a great little upgrade for RB20, or replacement unit for RB25. Was going to put it on the rb20, but instead got a good deal on a highflow. Comes with actuator. A couple of studs will need to be drilled out to fit. NOW Asking $350 inc post to anywhere in oz call 0417 016 326, [email protected] or PM.
  9. Is it 15 year import ? 15 year import is about $1300 for somewhere to do it... intrusion bars, seatbelts, mirror, eng cert.
  10. maybe that's a little extreme. I think there has just been a paper work ****up, but he will get his car soon.
  11. I think I saw that car out the front at one point when driving past the area.. very attention grabbing! those rims suit that style/colour perfectly too.. good stuff..
  12. In QLD, no p-plates need to even be displayed, so cops don't even know who to pick on..
  13. correct... it's like roll the dice and see which power levels you come up with. 10% is normal, and what makes the difference between "woaa, those are good figures" and "that's about average". So the highest figure is about 190rkw +/- 10% .. and that has been proven time and time again.
  14. I don't think its going to happen. A sunday trackday in future I am sure could be organised, and would get quite a few more that can't otherwise make it to the mid-week days. A couple of my mates I mentioned this two were a lot more interested when I said it was a weekend, however for a couple of other reasons weren't willing to do it this time.
  15. u get raped.. and the cop waves his hands in the air as he rides your ass.. with a "Victoria is the best state in australia to drive"
  16. depends how many beers I've had Well, this is quite an interesting question. I've tried to find the theoretically amount of liquid that can be cleansed via said left kidney in a 24 hour period, and it ranges somewhere between about 2 and 24 beers before extreme discomfort :dump: true the 1976 model is starting to show its age by now, although it may be adapted to a 1980 model, but may need some extra trimmings around the housing at this point.
  17. You need to nipple it off the piping before the throttle body.
  18. I think you will be able to launch 3 low-earth satellites and cook your toast on the bonnet in 1.3 seconds..
  19. Nexus, as requested, here are some photos... you'll notice the top image may appear to be slightly shoddy.. but that is just the light of the camera, and I can guarantee no premature wear. Yes the 100,000 hour service has already been done.
  20. joshwa, whatever lies and miss-truths you read on grapevine.com are simply incorrect. This is not a reconditioned kidney, it is not in fact a cut and shut job, it is one genuine Gordon Kidney I believe so... although now that I think about it, I may have nabbed it from a monkey one night :confused: Yes, I have a through records of when all body wastes have gone in, and out of the kidney.. its quite a few pages long however. Although its possible the life-o-meter has been wound back a bit. So I can't actually substanciate whether the km are genuine. Its actually a "Hybrid copy" Kidney you see.. made in the same factory is the genuine kidney, but at a fraction of a cost. Its just as good I can guarantee. Flow rate is just as good as the genuine item
  21. tastings are extra unfortunately... I hear salt dulls the pain somewhat.. so game on..
  22. inspections welcome... I'm not sure JC.. I'll only take cash for said kidney.. I will not COD, as I do not want my kidney sent back to me with "undelivered return to donor" stamped on it. Um, yes.. I knew there could be an error in this plan :Oops:
  23. I've decided I don't really need it anymore, as the right side one seems to be operating perfectly fine. Therefore I'm putting it up forsale. If anybody can find me a bidder for my kidney, I will give you $1 per every dollar over $10,000 that it fetches. For the successful buyer, I will throw in one slightly cigarette damaged used lung, and one smelly sock. p.s. does anybody have a rusty spoon handy? and some ice packs?
  24. predator

    My Car

    I'm dubious on this event or product, but I watch with interest non-withstanding.
  25. this thread is funny.. u guys are so damn competitive down there.. and yet look at the 1st, 2nd, 3rd fastest GTR drag cars in australia.. bloody queens.. go do some times.. lol.. stirs pot
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