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Everything posted by predator

  1. don't have VspecII's have an improved ATTESSA unit over the earlier one?
  2. i didn't think you could get them?
  3. if you are talking R32.. the factory weight between an S13 and R32 is about 100kg.. its not insignificant, but its not massive. S14/S15 is pretty much on par with R32 weight wise at around 1250kg
  4. you've been told heaps too.. try to sneak posts in the "other" classifides section.. spamming the wanted posts.. etc you're more likely to get a ban than good business... just pay the $100 or whatever it costs, geez.. you're making money from here.
  5. $50? could make a living selling them.. are they flat or like the trailer ones? so are you enjoying your last technical 20mins of freedom left chris?
  6. predator


    From the album: predator's Gallery

  7. predator


    From the album: predator's Gallery

  8. predator


    From the album: predator's Gallery

  9. predator


    From the album: predator's Gallery

    rhs taillight
  10. predator


    From the album: predator's Gallery

  11. all good info.. more people need to put up their experiences with different brands, etc on here I think.. Lot's of people go install something and you never hear back what difference it actually made to their cars driving, handling, or performance..
  12. If a 1500kg commodore with single pot brakes can get out there on a race track, you should have no problems stopping with 4 pot calipers with a car of an R32's weight. I took my 19 year old R31 sedan onto the track last year..which has got over 300,000km on the clock and just pretty much a normal daily driver.. and cained the living beejeebus out of it for 20 laps or so (not straight true), and nothing broke, so you should be right Don't stress too much.. and figure "if it breaks, it was going to break anyhow". Soon as you think that, it's all just fun
  13. How Many Times Does It Have To Be Said?!! It Is Factory Weight... Taking A Shit, Taking Out A Spare Wheel, Or Sticking A Sticker On It That Says 2000kg Doesn't Make You Any More Legal. And the cops won't accept that for one second either. Get Over It!! You Are Not Supposed To Be Driving These Cars in lovely victoria.. And Cops Will Punish You If You Do. You'll Be Selling Your Car Before The End Of Your P-plates Anyhow... if it even survives that long.
  14. You can get nearly any new part for any R33 from any Nissan dealer. They know about them and can look up any part number. Most of the time they will be able to get it from overseas in a couple of weeks. The cost is generally pretty expensive however.
  15. lol - must have taken a bunch of genious' to think that one up.. Need For Speed: High Stakes meets NFS:U.. don't you all feel jibbed they didn't put cops in the FIRST NFSU? I can just picture a series of never ending sequels with slight improvements till it gets boring and nobody gives a shit anymore.. what happened before NFSU came out.
  16. the scariest thing is they have a timesheet showing a 7.1 quarter.. maybe it is us aussies that are doing it the wrong way?
  17. i half expect one of them to be holding the largest joint you've ever seen... anyhow, i've had enough funny gas and silly pictures and weird concepts.. bye bye..
  18. dang.. remote linking grumble.. now this looks like the highest quality in engineering workshops, if I have ever seen one.. http://www.partytimeracing.20megsfree.com/...ges/gearbox.jpg
  19. they do.. except they have the poxy CA18i ones.. so sad . hmmm .. why am I picturing a movie script at this time, similar in the style of "cooling runnings" except replacing the word "bob sled" with "nitrous funnycar" ??
  20. oh my.. can anybody say "quick death".. . http://www.partytimeracing.20megsfree.com/...mages/fuel2.jpg
  21. I wonder if they have a hard time telling the rest of the world what they are saying is actually true without some sort of raised eyebrow?
  22. i spoke to one of our babados skyline owners the other day .over msn.. he said he had pet sharks(!) that he was keeping in an upturned refrigerator.. except they grew larger than the fridge, so he had to chuck them out.. now this story would have had me questioning it.. especially seeing as he was from barbados.. where their national crop would probably keep most of australia high for several years..
  23. wtf? "partytime racing" .. nitro trains sounds fun though..
  24. Your search - deviant priest - did not match any documents. WHAT?!! OUTRAGED!! google image search is the gay
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