or a cawk snap occurs.. and the surgeon is called upon to rebuild the members aparatus..
do they do a urine test to ensure no "performance enhacing drugs" (starting with V) are used ??
squizz: you are cheese..
guess you are used to being abused
hey speaking of property.. my brother and his g/f bought a nice place over the weekend.. bastard ! then again he doesn't have a car obsession.
yeah.. i'm a little sick of it too.. for farksake.. who cares ABOUT ANYTHING .. when life comes down to it all you all end up dead.. so worrying about well anything, is well.. pointless.
my happy thought for the day
such fragile nerves on here.. i think its a bit poor if you can't openly just speak rubbish without somebody getting their knickers in a knot.
that borders on censorship.. and if we live in a sensored state we may as well go dig Saddam out of jail and make HIM a moderator.
nah.. nowhere close.. remember that time when you stuck the gerbil down your pants when i dared you a lollypop and i distributed in kazzaa all over the internet? and you cried, and told your mummy.. and my mummy told your mummy she was a ****??
why is it called "team shitbox" then
wasnt there a crew of people that did actually have shitboxes out there? like $500 crappers.. or in fact like my r31